C File Writer

It is useful to have both FWriter and Writer for environments in which fdopen() doesn't exist for example.

Part of libwww . Implemented by HTFWriter.c

#ifndef HTFWRITE_H
#define HTFWRITE_H

#include "HTStream.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "HTFormat.h"

#define	HTFWriter_new	HTFWnew

Set up a Stream to a File

This function puts up a new stream given an open file descripter. If the file is not to be closed afterwards, then set leave_open = NO.
extern HTStream * HTFWriter_new PARAMS((FILE *	fp,
					     BOOL	leave_open));


HTSaveAndCallBack will save to a cache file and call the request->callback function with the filename as parameter.
#ifndef pyramid
extern HTConverter HTSaveAndExecute, HTSaveLocally, HTSaveAndCallBack,

Get Local File Name

This function tries really hard to generate a non-existent file name on the local file system. You can specify the path of the file so that the file name is generated relatively to this. Two modes of file name generations exist: It can either generate a hash based file name or take the last part of the URL and generate a more human readable file name.
extern char *HTFWriter_filename PARAMS((char * 		path,
					char *		url,
				      	 CONST char * 	suffix,
				      	 unsigned int	limit));

The Client Cache

The cache contains details of temporary disk files which contain the contents of remote documents. There is also a list of cache items for each URL in its anchor object.

An item in the cache

typedef struct _HTCacheItem {
    HTParentAnchor *	anchor;
    HTFormat		format;		/* May have many formats per anchor */
    char *		filename;
    time_t		load_time;
    time_t		load_delay;
    int			reference_count;
} HTCacheItem;

The Cache Itself

There is one global cache. No, it's not reentrant code then. If we find a use for >1 cache then we can change it. Currently the obvious advantage is when all things which could gain from caching use the same one.
extern HTList * HTCache;	/* made up of HTCacheItem items */

The Cache Limit

The cache limit is the number of files which are kept. Yes, I know, the amount of disk space wouldbe more relevant. So this may change. Currentlyit is present to 100 but may be changed by the application by writing into this variable.
extern int	HTCacheLimit;

Clear a cache

extern void HTCacheClear PARAMS((HTList * cache));

To remove All cache files known to this session

extern void HTCacheDeleteAll NOPARAMS;

Stream for writing to cache

Note that HTSaveAndCallBack will also generate a cache file.
#ifndef pyramid
extern HTConverter HTCacheWriter;

End of definition module