Bruker-AXS / MIT Symposium 2016


Information about location can be found here.

The Bruker-AXS / MIT Symposium is an annual event, directed towards chemists, biologists and crystallographers from the greater Boston area. The next symposium will be held on Saturday, February 20 2016 and the motto of the 2016 Symposium will be Powder Diffraction for the Single-Crystal Community.

The symposium will be coupled with a full-day Workshop on Friday, February 19 (that is the day before the Symposium) taught by four of the world's best powder diffraction experts. The workshop will touch on all important aspects of analyzing powder diffraction data, from indexing, to ab-initio structure solution to Rietveld refinement. The number of participants for the workshop is limited -- please apply early, places will be granted upon a first-come-first-serve basis. Throughout the day of Friday and Sunday (the day after the Symposium), there will be demonstrations about using Bruker's D2-Phaser benchtop powder instrument and how to use a single-crystal diffractometer for powder methods.

In addition to the workshop, demonstrations and the symposium there will be a Poster Session. Every participant is encourraged to present a poster, preferably taking into account the motto of the meeting. A qualified group of judges, which has yet to be determined, will be rewarding one poster with the Bruker/MIT Poster Prize (generously funded by Bruker-AXS).

To register for the 2016 Bruker-AXS / MIT Symposium and workshop(s) please fill out the Online Registration Form.

The following speakers have agreed to present:

Kenneth Shankland (Reading University)

Jim Kaduk (Poly Crystallography Inc.)

Robert Papoular (Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission, France)

Nate Henderson (Bruker AXS)


Workshop teachers:

Kenneth Shankland (Reading University)

Jim Kaduk (Poly Crystallography Inc.)

Robert Papoular (Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission, France)

Nate Henderson (Bruker AXS)


Click here to see the Schedule.

To register for the 2016 Bruker-AXS / MIT Symposium please fill out the online form.

Click here for information about accommodations.

