Little Trouble in Big China

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I hate packing, but I rather like lists...

(define partial-inventory (list (cons 4 "pants") (cons 4 "skirts")
(cons 27 "underwear") (cons 8 "bras") (cons 1 "jewelry box")...)

A partial inventory of what I'm brining to China:
From the top left:
- 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of corduroys, 1 pair of cargo capris
- 4 skirts
- 20 plus or minus pairs of clean underwear and 7 plus or minus 1 pairs of dirty underwear (not shown)
- 8 bras
- Jewelry box
- 2 purses (1 not shown)
- bag of odds and ends
- 9 plus or minus 1 shirts
- bathing suit
- 4 dresses
- sock poi and contact juggling ball
- 1 pair of flip flops, 1 pair of tennis shoes, 1 pair of jelly sandals (not shown)
- 3 pairs of socks
- prismacolor markers
- 1 jacket, 1 sweater (not shown)

The above are all in my gigantic suitcase. Some other items:
- 2 laptops. One is my own, one is for my family in China
- sketchbook with passport tucked into secret pocket
- camera
- ipods and noise reducing speakers
- various power cords
- a ton of presents my mother bought for my family which takes up an entire other suitcase
- music
- glasses and contacts
- toiletries


At June 1, 2007 5:16 AM , Chris said...

?! You clearly never attended the CETI lecture on packing for travel! How are you going to backpack between cities with all that? TISK TISK

At June 1, 2007 5:19 AM , xx said...

I'm leaving the large suitcases in Shanghai, silly.

Unlike you Americans, I have a homebase in China.


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