Yasheng Huang (黄亚生)
MIT Sloan School of Management
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Professor Huang created these cases,all with teaching notes, prior to coming to MIT. You can search for these cases under his name at HBS publishing. “SOHO China,” Harvard Business School Case 703-011 (2003) “Conceptual Overview: Managing International Trade and Investment,” Harvard Business School Note 702-065 (2002) “Korea First Bank,” Harvard Business School Teaching Note 702-043 (2002) “Power to the States: ‘Fiscal Wars’ for FDI in Brazil,” Harvard Business School Teaching Note 702-046 (2002) “FDI in China,” Harvard Business School Teaching Note 702-048 (2002) “Kelon: China’s Corporate Dragon,” Harvard Business School Teaching Note 702-042 (2002) “Unified Energy System of Russia,” Harvard Business School Teaching Note 702-078 (2002) With Hal Hogan, “India’s Intellectual Property Rights Regime and the Pharmaceutical Industry,” Harvard Business School Case 702-039 (2002) “India’s Intellectual Property Rights Regime and the Pharmaceutical Industry,” Harvard Business School Teaching Note 702-041(2002) “Note on Foreign Direct Investment in Japan,” Harvard Business School Note 702-029 (2002) “Note on Economic Sanctions on Cuba,” Harvard Business School Note 702-028 (2002) “Note on Conflict Diamonds: Why Are Civil Wars, Like Diamonds, Forever?” Harvard Business School Note 702-027 (2002) “Perspectives on Terrorism,” Harvard Business School Case 702-026 (2002) “Kelon (B): Opportunities and Challenges,” Harvard Business School Case 703-008 With Kirsty O’Neil-Massaro, “Unified Energy Systems of Russia,” Harvard Business School Case 701-137 (2001) With Kirsty O’Neil-Massaro, “Korea First Bank (A),” Harvard
Business School Case 701-022 (2001) With Kirsty O’Neil-Massaro, “Korea First Bank (B),” Harvard
Business School Case 701-083 (2001) With Laura Alfaro, “Power to the States: ‘Fiscal Wars’ for
FDI in Brazil,” Harvard Business School Case 701-079 (2001) “FDI in China,” Harvard Business School Case 701-061 (2001) With David Lane, “Kelon: China’s Corporate Dragon,” Harvard
Business School Case 701-053 (2001) “Perspectives on Globalization,” Harvard Business School Case 701-048
(2001) With Alexander Dyck and David Lane, “PetroChina,” Harvard Business
School Case 701-040 (2001) “Korea: On the Back of a Tiger,” Harvard Business School Case 700-097
(2000) “Korea: On the Back of a Tiger,” Harvard Business School Teaching
Note 702-003 (2001) With Eric Thun, “Shanghai Volkswagen,” Harvard Business School
Case 700-001 (2000) |
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