MIT Comparative Media Studies


MIT Comparative Media Studies

Frequently Asked Questions Site Map FAQ & Sitemap

FAQ Index > CMS Program > 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Is there a career counselor or adviser, or someone who arranges interviews with companies? Will there be exposure to people in the industry or is this strictly an academic program?
People from the industry will be visiting the CMS Program from time to time and students will be encouraged to interact with these guests. In the past two years we’ve met with more than 40 companies to describe the program and introduce ideas for research collaboration, internships, and full-time employment placement of our students. Companies that have expressed an interest in working with CMS students include America On-line, Daimler-Chrysler, Electronic Arts, Hewlett-Packard, Industrial Light and Magic, J. Walter Thompson, Planetout, San Francisco Exploratorium, Sony Pictures Imageworks,, Technology Review, and Xerox PARC, among others. The size of our program allows us to identify opportunities that best suit the interests of students and to help in career advising and placement. We are pleased to report that at this time we have identified internships for all current graduate students for summer 2000.

I’ve had very little experience in digital technology and media production, but I am very interested in learning. Will this effect my chance of acceptance into the program?
We encourage students to have hands-on experience. Some incoming students may feel the need to take additional coursework in order to prepare or to boost their technical skills in preparation for the practical component of the program. There are certainly many opportunities for learning new technologies at MIT. In the admissions process, we look at a student’s technical experience as only one of several factors we consider when making decisions.

Alternatively, some incoming students may find that they're not quite up to speed for the practical component. If this is the case, students will work with their advisors to devise a plan for taking courses or specific workshops in technical areas, such as computer science or programming. As part of the workshop requirement the majority of the students are expected to work (at least their first semester) with one of the faculty members as part of an on-going interactive project. These experiences will help prepare students for working on a conceptual production project.

Is the program geared specifically towards gaining technical experience?
As part of the technical requirement, students will demonstrate technical knowledge and skill in at least one media technology. We encourage CMS students to experiment with everything from radio broadcasting to theatrical lighting, from web page design to video production. We expect that many of the students will choose to work on a project involving digital technology. Many of the projects developed by the faculty are also digitally-based. (See the next question for further explanation.)

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