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MIT Comparative Media Studies


MIT Comparative Media Studies

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James Nadeau

James Nadeau

Keywords: video art, performance, installation & media curating. James is interested in analyzing power structures with a focus on technology’s effects on identity construction, in particular video games and surveillance technologies. James has spent the past three years as a studio manager at the video department of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

His videos have screened internationally, online and on cable television. He has curated programs at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Mills Gallery in Boston, Rotenberg Gallery in Boston, Provincetown International Film Festival, the Rhode Island International Film Festival, and the Brattle Cinema in Cambridge, MA. His installations and performances have been held at the Center on Contemporary Art in Seattle, WA and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

James studied video art and critical theory at RISD, School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and Tufts University.

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