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MIT Comparative Media Studies


MIT Comparative Media Studies

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Parmesh Shahani

Parmesh Shahani

Parmesh Shahani is the CMS representative on the MIT Graduate Student Council, an MIT Arts Scholar, and was part of the graduate student advisory group to the MIT Corporation that facilitated the search for the new MIT president in 2003-2004. He was also the organizer of "Between the Lines: Negotiating South Asian LBGT Identity" – Boston's first festival of South Asian queer film, readings and discussions held at MIT in 2004, for which he won the MIT Public Service Center's Community Connection Award in 2003-2004.

Parmesh holds three undergraduate degrees (Commerce, Education, Film) from India and has had diverse media experiences there that include heading a youth-oriented internet web venture, business development for Sony's Indian television channel operations, writing and editing copy for Elle magazine and The Times of India newspaper, helping make a low-budget English feature film and teaching as a visiting faculty member at a Bombay college.

His current interests include issues of representation, identity formation, online communities, sexuality, ethnography, youth culture, branded entertainment and Bollywood cinema. His website is parmesh.net

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