MIT Comparative Media Studies


MIT Comparative Media Studies

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MIT Research Consortium in Comparative Media Studies

At a time when media convergence affects not only the way we do business but also the way we educate students and train employees, it is critical for diverse groups and individuals to participate in conversations about the role of media in society, culture, and public policy.

CMS research partnerships go beyond simply creating opportunities for companies to have access to MIT research, faculty, and students. We aim to expand the role of industrial leaders in informing humanistic scholarship while providing them with early access to the cutting-edge ideas that emerge through the consortium. Our salon culture engages professionals and other scholars in conversations and project work that benefits industry, education, and government while demonstrating the value of applied humanism.

Membership Benefits

Member companies have the opportunity to work with MIT faculty and students in CMS through the following initiatives:

  • Quarterly meetings that provide a window into and seek input on current and proposed research priorities.
  • Invitation to all CMS-sponsored conferences, colloquia, and symposia, as well as participation as speakers and presenters in these venues.
  • Access to top-tier leaders in peer group through quarterly updates, periodic conferences, colloquia and symposia, and a virtual community.
  • One annual company-based presentation to executives and staff that allows member companies to expand the reach of MIT-related work within their organizations.
  • Referrals to faculty organized around research themes (MIT humanists offer a different perspective as advisors and sounding boards to today's vexing business challenges).
  • Introduction to graduate students and undergraduates who might be recruited as interns and employees.
  • Subscription to working papers authored by faculty and students.
  • Company-wide access to a members-only web site with resources published by CMS.


This initiative allows faculty to pursue theoretical and applied research, providing important groundwork that establishes critical vocabularies and frames critical issues for future exploration. We invite companies to join the research consortium for renewable two-year memberships that cost $50,000 per year. Membership fees directly support the following activities:

Research Funds
As CMS faculty and students explore opportunities within each of the program's research themes, expendable funds are needed to conduct basic research.

Conferences, Symposia, Programs, and Publications
To establish MIT as a leader in comparative media studies, world-class scholars, producers and writers, artists, and business leaders are invited to participate in CMS-led conferences, symposia, colloquia, as well as panels and seminars within the curriculum. Transcripts and larger publications often emerge from these proceedings.

Graduate Fellowships and Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Since research is done among faculty and student groups, funds are needed to support research assistants at both the graduate and undergraduate level.

More Information

If your company is interested in learning more, please contact:
David Edery

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