MIT Comparative Media Studies


MIT Comparative Media Studies

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Generation.Org:  Childhood and Adolescence in a Mediated Culture

Our children are uniquely - some argue dangerously - immersed in media technologies. They engage with computers and digital systems at school and at leisure. They utilize photocopiers, videotape players, CD-players, interactive toys, cell phones. Our emerging media society encourages a new logic of appropriation, manipulation, and transformation of cultural materials as a central aspect of individual and collective experience. Some sociologists have coined the phrase "" to refer to the generation coming of age in the early 21st century. They argue that early engagement with these new technologies will decisively shape how these individuals define themselves and their connections to core institutions of education, work, and leisure.

Such questions about childhood and youth in the computer age are a central focus of the CMS program. Our projects and curriculum examine the relationships of youth to all forms of media technology and assess their current and future impact on American and global markets and cultures.



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