MIT Comparative Media Studies


MIT Comparative Media Studies

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Global Culture and Media

The emerging digital landscape poses significant challenges for those concerned with the notion of global cultures. On the one hand, these new technologies potentially accelerate long-standing trends towards the homogenization of world cultures, insuring American access to international markets while continuing to erode traditional national identities and cultural values. On the other hand, the multi-directional character of digital communications may open the global community to more diverse influences, enabling immigrants, migrants, and exiles to maintain stronger ties to their mother countries, and encouraging a greater global consciousness. Some countries - India, Australia, the Scandinavian countries, for example - are gaining new visibility and economic viability as they embrace the "digital revolution." Contemporary popular culture is increasingly internationalized, reflecting both the global flow of cultural materials and the influence of new waves of immigration throughout the world.

We seek to understand the current moment of media change within a global context. Our current understandings of national identities are themselves reflections of the historic flow of stories, information, and cultural products both within and beyond geographic boundaries as well as power struggles and negotiations between different nation-states.

Our faculty members combine specific expertise in particular national cultures with a growing awareness that the flow of cultural goods rarely respects national boundaries. A global expertise about media is not only important to business and political leaders who hope to chart a coherent course during times of rapid change, but also to citizens and consumers who want to critically assess the international impact of media change.



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