Package org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer

Buffer event listeners, and classes used to implement jEdit's document model.


Interface Summary
BufferChangeListener A interface for notification of changes to buffer text.

Class Summary
BufferChangeAdapter An adapter you can subclass to avoid having to implement all the methods of the BufferChangeListener interface.
BufferIORequest A buffer I/O request.
ContentManager A class internal to jEdit's document model.
DummyFoldHandler A fold handler that does nothing.
ExplicitFoldHandler A fold handler that folds lines based on markers ("{{{" and "}}}") embedded in the text.
FoldHandler Interface for obtaining the fold level of a specified line.
IndentFoldHandler A fold handler that folds lines based on their indent level.
LineElement Deprecated. Used to implement backwards-compatibility with jEdit 3.2.2-style document model.
LineManager A class internal to jEdit's document model.
PositionManager A class internal to jEdit's document model.
RootElement A class internal to jEdit's document model.
UndoManager A class internal to jEdit's document model.

Package org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer Description

Buffer event listeners, and classes used to implement jEdit's document model.