Package org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax

The jEdit syntax highlighting engine.


Interface Summary
TokenHandler Token markers send tokens to implementations of this interface.

Class Summary
Chunk A syntax token with extra information required for painting it on screen.
DefaultTokenHandler Builds a linked list of tokens without any additional processing.
DisplayTokenHandler Creates Chunk objects that can be painted on screen.
DummyTokenHandler A dummy token handler that discards tokens.
KeywordMap A KeywordMap is similar to a hashtable in that it maps keys to values.
ParserRule A parser rule.
ParserRuleSet A set of parser rules.
SyntaxStyle A simple text style class.
SyntaxUtilities Contains utility functions used by the syntax highlighting code.
Token A linked list of syntax tokens.
TokenMarker A token marker splits lines of text into tokens.
TokenMarker.LineContext Stores persistent per-line syntax parser state.
XModeHandler XML handler for mode definition files.

Package org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax Description

The jEdit syntax highlighting engine. This package only depends on a few jEdit classes:

To use this package from other programs, see the documentation for the TokenMarker, TokenHandler and XModeHandler classes.