Uses of Class

Packages that use REException
gnu.regexp An old regular expression library. 

Uses of REException in gnu.regexp

Methods in gnu.regexp that throw REException
protected  void RE.initialize(java.lang.Object patternObj, int cflags, RESyntax syntax, int myIndex, int nextSub)

Constructors in gnu.regexp that throw REException
RE(java.lang.Object pattern)
          Constructs a regular expression pattern buffer without any compilation flags set, and using the default syntax (RESyntax.RE_SYNTAX_PERL5).
RE(java.lang.Object pattern, int cflags)
          Constructs a regular expression pattern buffer using the specified compilation flags and the default syntax (RESyntax.RE_SYNTAX_PERL5).
RE(java.lang.Object pattern, int cflags, RESyntax syntax)
          Constructs a regular expression pattern buffer using the specified compilation flags and regular expression syntax.