Interface OptionPane

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbbrevsOptionPane, AbstractOptionPane, AppearanceOptionPane, BrowserColorsOptionPane, BrowserOptionPane, ContextOptionPane, DockingOptionPane, EditingOptionPane, FirewallOptionPane, GeneralOptionPane, GutterOptionPane, MouseOptionPane, PluginManagerOptionPane, PluginOptions.NoPluginsPane, PrintOptionPane, SaveBackupOptionPane, ShortcutsOptionPane, StatusBarOptionPane, SyntaxHiliteOptionPane, TextAreaOptionPane, ToolBarOptionPane, ViewOptionPane

public interface OptionPane

The interface all option panes must implement.

See EditPlugin for information on how jEdit obtains and constructs option pane instances.

Note that in most cases it is much easier to extend AbstractOptionPane instead.

Method Summary
 java.awt.Component getComponent()
          Returns the component that should be displayed for this option pane.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the internal name of this option pane.
 void init()
          This method is called every time the option pane is displayed.
 void save()
          Called when the options dialog's "ok" button is clicked.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()
Returns the internal name of this option pane. The option pane's label is set to the value of the property named

See Also:


java.awt.Component getComponent()
Returns the component that should be displayed for this option pane.


void init()
This method is called every time the option pane is displayed.


void save()
Called when the options dialog's "ok" button is clicked. This should save any properties being edited in this option pane.