Package org.apache.hadoop.dfs

A distributed implementation of FileSystem.


Interface Summary
FSConstants Some handy constants

Class Summary
DataNode DataNode is a class (and program) that stores a set of blocks for a DFS deployment.
DatanodeDescriptor DatanodeDescriptor tracks stats on a given DataNode, such as available storage capacity, last update time, etc., and maintains a set of blocks stored on the datanode.
DatanodeID DatanodeID is composed of the data node name (hostname:portNumber) and the data storage ID, which it currently represents.
DatanodeInfo DatanodeInfo represents the status of a DataNode.
DFSAdmin This class provides some DFS administrative access.
DFSck This class provides rudimentary checking of DFS volumes for errors and sub-optimal conditions.
DistributedFileSystem Implementation of the abstract FileSystem for the DFS system.
FsckServlet This class is used in Namesystem's jetty to do fsck on namenode.
GetImageServlet This class is used in Namesystem's jetty to retrieve a file.
NameNode NameNode serves as both directory namespace manager and "inode table" for the Hadoop DFS.
NamenodeFsck This class provides rudimentary checking of DFS volumes for errors and sub-optimal conditions.
SecondaryNameNode The Secondary NameNode is a helper to the primary NameNode.
SecondaryNameNode.GetImageServlet This class is used in Namesystem's jetty to retrieve a file.

Enum Summary
FSConstants.NodeType Type of the node

Exception Summary
AlreadyBeingCreatedException The exception that happens when you ask to create a file that already is being created, but is not closed yet.
LeaseExpiredException The lease that was being used to create this file has expired.
NotReplicatedYetException The file has not finished being written to enough datanodes yet.
SafeModeException This exception is thrown when the name node is in safe mode.

Package org.apache.hadoop.dfs Description

A distributed implementation of FileSystem. This is loosely modelled after Google's GFS.

The most important difference is that unlike GFS, Hadoop DFS files have strictly one writer at any one time. Bytes are always appended to the end of the writer's stream. There is no notion of "record appends" or "mutations" that are then checked or reordered. Writers simply emit a byte stream. That byte stream is guaranteed to be stored in the order written.

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