Uses of Interface

Packages that use RetryPolicy A mechanism for selectively retrying methods that throw exceptions under certain circumstances. 

Uses of RetryPolicy in

Fields in declared as RetryPolicy
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.RETRY_FOREVER
           Keep trying forever.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.TRY_ONCE_DONT_FAIL
           Try once, and fail silently for void methods, or by re-throwing the exception for non-void methods.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.TRY_ONCE_THEN_FAIL
           Try once, and fail by re-throwing the exception.

Methods in that return RetryPolicy
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.exponentialBackoffRetry(int maxRetries, long sleepTime, TimeUnit timeUnit)
           Keep trying a limited number of times, waiting a growing amount of time between attempts, and then fail by re-throwing the exception.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.retryByException(RetryPolicy defaultPolicy, Map<Class<? extends Exception>,RetryPolicy> exceptionToPolicyMap)
           Set a default policy with some explicit handlers for specific exceptions.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.retryByRemoteException(RetryPolicy defaultPolicy, Map<Class<? extends Exception>,RetryPolicy> exceptionToPolicyMap)
           A retry policy for RemoteException Set a default policy with some explicit handlers for specific exceptions.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.retryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(int maxRetries, long sleepTime, TimeUnit timeUnit)
           Keep trying a limited number of times, waiting a fixed time between attempts, and then fail by re-throwing the exception.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.retryUpToMaximumCountWithProportionalSleep(int maxRetries, long sleepTime, TimeUnit timeUnit)
           Keep trying a limited number of times, waiting a growing amount of time between attempts, and then fail by re-throwing the exception.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.retryUpToMaximumTimeWithFixedSleep(long maxTime, long sleepTime, TimeUnit timeUnit)
           Keep trying for a maximum time, waiting a fixed time between attempts, and then fail by re-throwing the exception.

Methods in with parameters of type RetryPolicy
static Object RetryProxy.create(Class<?> iface, Object implementation, RetryPolicy retryPolicy)
           Create a proxy for an interface of an implementation class using the same retry policy for each method in the interface.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.retryByException(RetryPolicy defaultPolicy, Map<Class<? extends Exception>,RetryPolicy> exceptionToPolicyMap)
           Set a default policy with some explicit handlers for specific exceptions.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.retryByRemoteException(RetryPolicy defaultPolicy, Map<Class<? extends Exception>,RetryPolicy> exceptionToPolicyMap)
           A retry policy for RemoteException Set a default policy with some explicit handlers for specific exceptions.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type RetryPolicy
static Object RetryProxy.create(Class<?> iface, Object implementation, Map<String,RetryPolicy> methodNameToPolicyMap)
           Create a proxy for an interface of an implementation class using the a set of retry policies specified by method name.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.retryByException(RetryPolicy defaultPolicy, Map<Class<? extends Exception>,RetryPolicy> exceptionToPolicyMap)
           Set a default policy with some explicit handlers for specific exceptions.
static RetryPolicy RetryPolicies.retryByRemoteException(RetryPolicy defaultPolicy, Map<Class<? extends Exception>,RetryPolicy> exceptionToPolicyMap)
           A retry policy for RemoteException Set a default policy with some explicit handlers for specific exceptions.

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