R Database Interface

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Documentation for package ‘DBI’ version 0.7

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DBI-package DBI: R Database Interface
dbBegin Begin/commit/rollback SQL transactions
dbBind Bind values to a parameterized/prepared statement
dbBreak Self-contained SQL transactions
dbClearResult Clear a result set
dbColumnInfo Information about result types
dbCommit Begin/commit/rollback SQL transactions
dbConnect Create a connection to a DBMS
dbDataType Determine the SQL data type of an object
dbDisconnect Disconnect (close) a connection
dbDriver Load and unload database drivers
dbExecute Execute an update statement, query number of rows affected, and then close result set
dbExistsTable Does a table exist?
dbFetch Fetch records from a previously executed query
dbGetException Get DBMS exceptions
dbGetInfo Get DBMS metadata
dbGetQuery Send query, retrieve results and then clear result set
dbGetRowCount The number of rows fetched so far
dbGetRowsAffected The number of rows affected
dbGetStatement Get the statement associated with a result set
dbHasCompleted Completion status
DBI DBI: R Database Interface
DBIConnection-class DBIConnection class
DBIDriver-class DBIDriver class
DBIObject-class DBIObject class
DBIResult-class DBIResult class
dbIsValid Is this DBMS object still valid?
dbListConnections List currently open connections
dbListFields List field names of a remote table
dbListResults A list of all pending results
dbListTables List remote tables
dbQuoteIdentifier Quote identifiers
dbQuoteString Quote literal strings
dbReadTable Copy data frames from database tables
dbRemoveTable Remove a table from the database
dbRollback Begin/commit/rollback SQL transactions
dbSendQuery Execute a query on a given database connection
dbSendStatement Execute a data manipulation statement on a given database connection
dbUnloadDriver Load and unload database drivers
dbWithTransaction Self-contained SQL transactions
dbWriteTable Copy data frames to database tables
fetch Fetch records from a previously executed query
isSQLKeyword Make R identifiers into legal SQL identifiers
isSQLKeyword.default Make R identifiers into legal SQL identifiers
make.db.names Make R identifiers into legal SQL identifiers
make.db.names.default Make R identifiers into legal SQL identifiers
rownames Convert row names back and forth between columns
SQL SQL quoting
SQL-class SQL quoting
sqlAppendTable Insert rows into a table
sqlAppendTableTemplate Insert rows into a table
sqlColumnToRownames Convert row names back and forth between columns
sqlCreateTable Create a simple table
sqlData Convert a data frame into form suitable for upload to an SQL database
sqlInterpolate Safely interpolate values into an SQL string
SQLKeywords Make R identifiers into legal SQL identifiers
sqlRownamesToColumn Convert row names back and forth between columns
Table Refer to a table nested in a hierarchy (e.g. within a schema)
Table-class Refer to a table nested in a hierarchy (e.g. within a schema)
transactions Begin/commit/rollback SQL transactions