dbConnect {DBI}R Documentation

Create a connection to a DBMS


Connect to a DBMS going through the appropriate authentication procedure. Some implementations may allow you to have multiple connections open, so you may invoke this function repeatedly assigning its output to different objects. The authentication mechanism is left unspecified, so check the documentation of individual drivers for details.


dbConnect(drv, ...)



an object that inherits from DBIDriver, or an existing DBIConnection object (in order to clone an existing connection).


authentication arguments needed by the DBMS instance; these typically include user, password, host, port, dbname, etc. For details see the appropriate DBIDriver.


dbConnect() returns an S4 object that inherits from DBIConnection. This object is used to communicate with the database engine.


DBI recommends using the following argument names for authentication parameters, with NULL default:

The defaults should provide reasonable behavior, in particular a local connection for host = NULL. For some DBMS (e.g., PostgreSQL), this is different to a TCP/IP connection to localhost.

See Also

dbDisconnect() to disconnect from a database.

Other DBIDriver generics: DBIDriver-class, dbDataType, dbDriver, dbGetInfo, dbIsValid, dbListConnections


# SQLite only needs a path to the database. (Here, ":memory:" is a special
# path that creates an in-memory database.) Other database drivers
# will require more details (like user, password, host, port, etc.)
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")



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