
of the


What are the
common organizational motifs
of the neural system?

How does our neural architecture develop? How are these processes shaped by evolutionary mechanisms?

Supported by:
Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Harvard

If you have any materials to add,
email them to Talia Konkle at

Principles of Brain Evolution

George Striedter
(amazon link)
Very clearly written, attempts to connect many facts into general principles (Talia, Justin).

Evolution of Nervous Systems

John Kass
(amazon link)
This is a useful, if not giagantic, reference (Baktash).

Brain Architecture: Understanding the Basic Plan

Larry Swanson
(amazon link)
Good primer on development and large-scale structure of nervous systems (Talia).

In The Blink Of An Eye: How Vision Sparked The Big Bang Of Evolution

Andrew Parker
(amazon link)
Theories about the development of vision around the time of the cambrian explosion (Justin).

"Origins of Us" - BBC 3-part documentary series

Bones / Guts / Brains
(amazon link)
Focuses on how the body tells an evolutionary story. Entertaining introduction.

The Thalamus (2 Volume Set)

Edward G. Jones
(amazon link)
A general reference for the thalamus, with chapters on development and comparative anatomy, also in most university science libraries (Carmen).