Talia Konkle
Ambiguous Quartet
This page shows a classic perceptual rivalry stimulus, the dot quartet. Also you can try some
adaptation on yourself, by staring at the biased quartet for a bit and then flipping over
to the ambiguous quartet. Have a look. (I made this so people could understand our paper
on tactile rivalry, which essentially delivered these dots in tactile form to your finger tip.)
[press release]
Massive Memory
We showed people thousands of pictures of objects, one at a time, for three seconds each, and afterwards we asked what people could
remember about the images they viewed. It turns out people can distinguish which object they saw when presented with two very similar objects, demonstrating
people can remember many object details about thousands of objects. If you're not convinced, try out the demo! Also, you can download
the stimuli used in the experiment at this webpage.
[press release]
Crossmodal Motion Aftereffects
Are there shared representations between visual and tactile motion? To test this question we used an adaptation paradigm. Adapting
to visual motion upward will cause a subsequently presented static stimulus to look as
if it's moving downard. Suprisingly, we find that this motion illusion
transfers between vision and touch: adapting to visual motion can lead to a tactile motion illusion
across your finger; adapting to tactile motion sweeps can lead to a visual motion illusion as well!
[press release]