13.014J/1.052J Mechanics of Structures

Course Information

Lecture: M W 2:30-4 PM Room 5-134
Recitation: T R 4-5 PM Room 1-136

Instructor: Dr. Mulalo Doyoyo
Room 5-221
Phone: 253-0371

Office Hours: by appointment
Email: doyoyo@mit.edu

Co-instructor: Dr. David Burke (Recitation)
phone: (617) 258-8764
address: 5-324
Email: dvburke@MIT.EDU

Teaching Assistant: Liang Xue
Room: 5-331
Phone: (617)-253-3947
Office Hours: 4-6 PM Mon
Email: xue@mit.edu

a. Homework 25%
b. Lab Assignments 30%
c. Quiz 15%
d. Case Study and Presentation 10%
e. Final Exam 20%
f. Class Attendance*

Textbooks: (1) J. Gere "Mechanics of Materials", Brooks/Cole, 2001
(2) I.H. Shames and J.M. Pitarresi "Introduction to Solid Mechanics", Prentice Hall, 2000

*Students are expected to attend and actively participate in all class meetings and will be graded on quality, as well as quantity, of their efforts. If you know in advance that you will be unable to attend a class session or a portion of a class session, let the instructor know so you can make arrangements for assignments. Also contact him as soon as possible if an emergency prevents your attendance. Students are responsible for all course material and are responsible for material covered even if you are not in class.
