2.00b Toy Product Design

Thermometer Step-by-Step

Customize the system

Each person will need to calibrate their thermometer by changing the adjDelta value in the program. The infrared sensor should be used to measure the temperature at your forehead or temple, and that measurement should be compared with the measurement provided by the reference thermometer. You'll want to take multiple data points and then come up with an adjustment value that seems to work for most cases. Replace the 5.77 value in the code with the adjustment value that you come up with. Then do more testing to see how it works.
adjustment delta

In addition, you may, if you wish, customize the program as follows:

  • Change the greeting message.
    greeting message
  • Change the startup image, good temperature image, and/or bad temperature image. The new images must be 240x135 pixels at 72ppi, 24-bit BMP format with filename of 8 or fewer characters (no spaces) before the ".bmp" file extension. You may use the memory card adapters in the 2.00b labs for placing images on your memory card.
    image filenames
  • Change the long press time to a shorter or longer time (your preference).
    long press time

If you wish, you may make other changes, but please keep the fidelity of the system in place. We are counting on your thermometers sending honest values to the 2.00b server so that we can try to track trends within the class and help keep everyone healthy throughout the term!

That's all until the housing is ready!