6.005 Elements of Software Construction
Before coming to lab, read this lab handout, Project 1, and any linked references. You won't have time in lab to read, so do it first.
The following exercises should familiarize you with several important aspects of collaborative, multi-person development using a version control system such as Subversion.
In addition to storing your source code files and the changes made to them, Subversion stores information about who changed what, when, in which files—and if the person doing the changing was playing nice and writing good commit log messages, it can even tell you why the changes were made.
In the Package Explorer of Eclipse, browse to one of the files you modified and committed during today's lab, or during the previous lab. Right-click the file, and select "Team → Show History." A new view will appear (at the bottom of the Eclipse window, if you don't drag it somewhere else). That view will list all the revisions committed to the repository that affected the selected file.
Clicking on a particular revision will show you both the files that were added ("A"), modified ("M"), or deleted ("D") by that commit, as well as the commit comment written by the committer. Whenever you use version control to collaborate, write commit comments!
Speaking of using version control to collaborate... let's check out an assignment that, unlike your other assignments, is accessible to the entire class. Go to the SVN Repository Exploring perspective, and navigate to the folder:
Right click on this folder and choose "Checkout...". Accept the default name and finish checking out the project into your workspace.
Once you've checked out the project, return to the Java perspective and run the Main class in package collab (for example, by right-clicking and selecting "Run As... → Java Application").
The Main class main method looks for all the Java classes in the collab package, creates a new instance of each one, and calls the method toString() on each instance.
Some of your classmates may already have added their own classes to the collab package, but there should be at least one other class from one of the teaching assistants (in this case: Telmo.java). Using the teaching assistant class as a template, create a new class in the collab package that is named with your Athena username (but follows the Java convention of CamelCaseCapitals for class names). One way to do this is to right-click "collab" and choose "Add → Class." Have the toString() method of this class return a String of your choosing. You should be able to run the Main class again and see your message in the list.
Right-click on the "collab_svn" project and choose "Team → Update." Alternatively, select the "Team → Synchronize with Repository" option to use the synchronization screen seen in the last lab, where you can see updates before they happen. Right-click and choose "Update" to update files or directories.
Updating gives you the latest version of something (a file, or a directory or directory tree full of files) from the repository. Relevant reading from the SVN documentation includes the sections on How Working Copies Track the Repository & Mixed Revision Working Copies.
Before continuing, make sure you can run the Main class successfully and see everyone's messages, because you are about to check in. As mentioned in the previous lab, checking in broken code will surely earn you the ire of other students who, should they update and receive your nonfunctional changes, will be unable to continue working.
Check in your work. Since you have created a new file, you need to add it to version control. Eclipse does not automatically put new files into Subversion; you have to tell it that you want to commit each new file. (Once you do that, all future changes you make to that file will be committed.) One way to add a new file to subversion is to right-click on it and select "Team → Add to Version Control". You also have a chance to add files using the list of checkboxes in the commit dialog itself.
When you try to check in, your attempt may fail with an error from Subclipse because your working copy is out of date. That means somebody else in the class committed since the last time you updated, so Subversion doesn't know what to do with the differences. Update your working copy, and try the commit again.
Find a partner, and make sure both you and your partner have received each other's code by committing and updating; you should both be able to run the Main class and see your partner's message in the console.
With the help of your partner, you will now simulate a situation where the use of Subversion becomes more complex. Make sure both you and your partner have updated versions of the shared project. Pick one of the Java files added by either you or your parter. You will both edit this same file, but you will do it on different machines. One of you (say, Alice) should add a comment line near the top of Alice's copy of the file, right after the line "package collab;" The other person (Bob) should add a comment line at the end of Bob's copy of the file file. Be sure each person makes no other changes.
Pick one of you to commit first (say, Alice), and commit. Once Alice commits, Bob will update. Even though Bob has modified the same file Alice committed, because the changes were in different parts of the file, Subversion will merge the changes automatically. Now Bob can commit, and Alice should update. Once this process is done, both you and your partner should have identical source files with both of the extra comments.
While SVN does a good job of merging unrelated changes to the same source file, it is not magic.
In the same file you've been editing with your partner, both you and your partner should modify the String returned by toString() to have different values.
Pick one person to commit first. Once the change is committed, the other person should update, and you should both take a look at the result, which should contain a conflict.
First, notice that a blue-ish square-ish icon has been added to the conflicted file in the Package Explorer. This indicates that the file contains a conflict that Subversion should not merge automatically. Until you inform Subversion that the conflict has been manually resolved, removing that conflict icon, it will refuse to allow you to commit the file.
Second, several extra files have appeared, with the different bits of code Subversion couldn't fit together. (The SVN documentation on Resolve Conflicts (Merging Others' Changes) explains what these files are.)
To merge the conflict manually, right-click on the file and pick "Team → Edit Conflicts," which brings up a two-paned editor. On the left hand is your (local) code, and on the right is your partner's (committed) code.
Edit the left side to your mutual, conflict-resolving satisfaction, and save. Then do "Team → Mark Resolved." The extra files will be deleted, and the conflict icon will disappear. Check that the resolved version runs fine—don't break the build!—and commit it.
One final note: the "Replace With" menu may come in handy if you realize you need to fall back to a previous version of your work. Just remember to commit working code with good commit comments, and it should always be easy to restore order to any mess you find yourself in.
Now to start working with Project 1.
Check out the multipart project from your group SVN folder. To find your group SVN folder, go to the SVN administration page:
You should see a link to your group repository on that page. Go to the SVN Repository Exploring perspective, and navigate to that folder. Now check out the project.
Take a moment to study the layout of the project's various resources. The project layout will be similar in later assignments.
Run the application by right-clicking on src/ui/Main.java and choosing Run As → Java Application You should see the application's interface appear in a new window. It can't do anything right now, but it will be able to download complex multipart streams once you have finished the project.
Now, let's get back to doing something. First let's locate the entry point to the multi-part downloader code.
Locate the entry point to the downloader. Run the program again, and try to begin a download. In the Console in Eclipse, you should see a long stack trace, all caused by an exception thrown in Multipart. Clicking on the line number in the stack trace will bring you to the offending line in src/multipart/Multipart.java. As described in the project assignment, this openStream() method is the entry point to your code, called by the GUI when a download is initatiated.
Give some simple functionality to openStream(). To see how the GUI works, we can at least give openStream() the ability to open 'normal' single-part files.
Look through the javadoc for java.net.URL to find how to build a URL from the given String and how to get an InputStream from a URL.
Fill in openStream() such that it returns an InputStream reading directly from the target of the given url. There are a couple ways to do this, but it can be done in as little as one line.
Look at the spec for openStream(), found directly above the method in the code, or in the Multipart javadocs. When does your openStream() implementation behave as specified?
Try out your simple downloader. Now the GUI should be able to succesfully ask your Multipart.openStream() method for an InputStream from a given url, at least for normal files. For multi-part manifest files, the stream will of course just give the contents of the manifest, not the data it describes.
You can try the program on any url, but it can only preview txt, png, gif, and jpg files. As discussed in the project, the GUI can also view or animate sequences of such files, one at a time, as encoded in a file animation stream. Some urls you can try:
http://mit.edu/6.005/www/fa10/project1/cheerup.jpg http://mit.edu/6.005/www/fa10/project1/here/bettyboop.png-seq http://mit.edu/6.005/www/fa10/project1/empty.txt.partsThe last of these is a multipart manifest file, but in its current state the program will just display the contents of the manifest, as opposed to the data represented by the manifest.
Note that you will probably want to revert Multipart instead of committing it, to avoid a Subversion conflict with your project partners, and because you will be designing and implementing a different approach than the simple downloader you've just built. To revert a file to the version stored in the repository, right-click on it and choose "Team → Revert".
Your job in Project 1 is to write functionality for the multipart downloader. You will hook your new functionality into the application through the Multipart.openStream() method which the UI calls. This does not mean you should implement just one method, or even one class, but this method is the sole entry point to your code.
The project contains unit tests that test the multipart downlaoder.
Open src/multipart/MultipartTest.java. This class contains the unit tests for Multipart. Run the tests by right-clicking on MultipartTest.java and selecting "Run as... → JUnit test". The test should run and fail, because Multipart isn't actually implemented yet.
Now you have a better feel for how the application works, you know the entry points into which you need to connect your implementation, and you have a way of measuring success by running the JUnit tests.
Another important tool to know about is javadoc, which generates documentation from comments written in Java source code. Javadoc comments start with two asterisks, like /** ... */, and typically appear before a class or a method to describe the specification of that class or method. The article How To Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool is a useful resource for learning about what you can and should say in a documentation comment.
Run Project → Generate Javadoc... to generate the documentation. Select the multipart project, and make sure that the Destination field under Use Standard Doclet points to the api directory of the project. Click on Finish and updated documentation will be generated in the api directory.
Find the file api/index.html and open it to see what the resulting documentation looks like. (If you see the raw HTML instead of a rendered web page, you need to right-click on it and select "Open With → Web Browser" to view it. If you prefer to use your own web browser to view it, rather than Eclipse's built-in web browser, then "Open With → System Editor", or else find your Eclipse workspace directory in your operating system file manager and drill down until you find api/index.html.)
Note that people often choose not to commit easily generated content such as javadoc to team repositories, to avoid conflicts, since it consists of many files, and because when someone wants it they can simply generate it. To have SVN permanently ignore the api/ directory, right-click on it and choose Team → Add to svn:ignore (if the command is disabled, then the directory is already being ignored).
Find and read the documentation for the AnimationReader class. You will be needing it in the next exercise.
In this exercise, you will get familiar with our made-up animation format and the AnimationReader, which is a class used by the GUI to break animations into their constituent frames or sub-files.
As mentioned, our GUI knows how to display either single files or sequences of files. Thus we've made up a simple stream format for encoding a series of finite files, allowing the GUI to display each file in succession just as it would display a single finite file.
The format for file animation streams is a size n0, followed by data for a sub-file—or frame—of size n0, followed by a size n1, followed by data for a frame of size n1, and so on, either forever or until the stream ends. The sizes are represented by four bytes, starting with the most significant byte (the standard network byte order, known as big-endian).
As an example, consider a frame (sub-file) consisting of 5 bytes (shown in hexadecimal):
36 2E 30 30 35and a 6-byte frame:
72 75 6C 65 73 21We would encode the first frame followed by the second frame as the 19-byte (4-byte length + 5-byte frame + 4-byte length + 6-byte frame) animation sequence:
00 00 00 05 36 2E 30 30 35 00 00 00 06 72 75 6C 65 73 21
The GUI considers any URL with a filetype ending in -seq to be an animation, with frames of the type preceding -seq. For example, http://com.com/animation.jpg-seq.parts.cgi should produce data of type jpg-seq, which in turn will be interpreted by the GUI as an animation of jpg files.
Your Multipart project implementation does not need to and should not treat animation files differently from anything else — you should just be aware of how the GUI treats them.
There is already an example JUnit test for AnimationReader, in AnimationReaderTest. It tests the class on a trivial animation consisting of one frame (sub-file) of length 0. (Note that this is not the same as an animation consisting of zero frames!) It uses a ByteArrayInputStream to create an InputStream backed by a byte array, so that it can simply feed the desired bytes through the stream.
Make a new class in the same package as AnimationReader to hold your unit tests. Since you are sharing this repository with your partners, and all of you are creating a test class for this exercise, you should name your test class something unique, such as AnimationReaderTest_username.
Start by writing tests for AnimationReader.readOneFrame() that you expect to always succeed. They should provide valid animation frames, like in the provided AnimationReaderTest. Run your tests to make sure they work.
Note that some or all of your tests will either need to catch exceptions and then fail, or be declared as throwing the exceptions, in which case they will fail automatically if the exception is thrown.
Now think about ways that readOneFrame() might fail, and devise tests for a failure condition to make sure that it fails as desired. You may find the Javadoc for AnimationReader helpful, and you can see the unit tests in FibonacciTest from the last lab for useful examples of how to test that a particular exception is thrown. Run your test to make sure it works.
This is the end of the lab. Be sure to commit your AnimationReader JUnit tests to your group Subversion repository. Since both you and your partners are sharing the same repository, be careful to check for conflicts when you commit, and don't break the build for your partners.