A Parser is an immutable object that is able to take a sequence of characters and return a parse tree according
to some grammar.
Parsers are constructed by calling compile() with a grammar, which might be stored in a
string, in a file, or read from a stream.
Once constructed, a Parser object is used by calling parse() on a string. Its result is a ParseTree showing how that string matches the grammar.
The type parameter NT should be an Enum type with the same (case-insensitive) names as
the nonterminals in the grammar. This allows nonterminals to be referred to by your code with static checking
and type safety. For example, if your grammar is:
@skip whitespaceAndComments {
grammar ::= ( production | skipBlock )+
production ::= nonterminal '::=' union ';'
skipBlock ::= '@skip' nonterminal '{' production* '}'
union :: = concatenation ('|' concatenation)*
concatenation ::= repetition*
repetition ::= unit repeatOperator?
unit ::= nonterminal | terminal | '(' union ')'
nonterminal ::= [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
terminal ::= quotedString | characterSet | anyChar | characterClass
quotedString ::= "'" ([^'\r\n\\] | '\\' . )* "'"
| '"' ([^"\r\n\\] | '\\' . )* '"'
characterSet ::= '[' ([^\]\r\n\\] | '\\' . )+ ']'
anyChar ::= '.'
repeatOperator ::= [*+?] | '{' ( number | range | upperBound | lowerBound ) '}'
number ::= [0-9]+
range ::= number ',' number
upperBound ::= ',' number
lowerBound ::= number ','
characterClass ::= '\\' [dsw] // e.g. \d, \s, \w
whitespaceAndComments ::= (whitespace | oneLineComment | blockComment)*
whitespace ::= [ \t\r\n]
oneLineComment ::= '//' [^\r\n]* [\r\n]+
blockComment ::= '/*' [^*]* '*' ([^/]* '*')* '/'
Type parameters
a Typescript Enum with one symbol for each nonterminal used in the grammar,
matching the nonterminals when compared case-insensitively (so ROOT and Root and root are the same).
A Parser is an immutable object that is able to take a sequence of characters and return a parse tree according to some grammar.
Parsers are constructed by calling compile() with a grammar, which might be stored in a string, in a file, or read from a stream.
Once constructed, a Parser object is used by calling parse() on a string. Its result is a ParseTree showing how that string matches the grammar.
The type parameter
should be an Enum type with the same (case-insensitive) names as the nonterminals in the grammar. This allows nonterminals to be referred to by your code with static checking and type safety. For example, if your grammar is:then you should create a nonterminal enum like this:
and then use:
to compile it into a parser.
The grammar of a grammar is as follows.