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  • Image




complete: boolean

Retrieves whether the object is fully loaded.

dataMode: number

Applies to JPEG images drawn to PDF canvases only. Setting img.dataMode = Image.MODE_MIME or Image.MODE_MIME|Image.MODE_IMAGE enables image MIME data tracking. When MIME data is tracked, PDF canvases can embed JPEGs directly into the output, rather than re-encoding into PNG. This can drastically reduce filesize and speed up rendering.

height: number

Sets or retrieves the height of the image.

naturalHeight: number

The original height of the image resource before sizing.

naturalWidth: number

The original width of the image resource before sizing.

onerror: null | ((err: Error) => void)
onload: null | (() => void)
src: string | Buffer

The URL, data: URI or local file path of the image to be loaded, or a Buffer instance containing an encoded image.

width: number

Sets or retrieves the width of the image.

MODE_IMAGE: number

Track image data

MODE_MIME: number

Track MIME data

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