6.033 lectures are in 32-123 at 2pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.
We will release the Spring 2012 assignments as the semester moves
along. The contents of this calendar for days more than two weeks in
the future may be missing. Feel free to see
last year's schedule
to get an idea of what is to come, but be aware that the details are
likely to change.
Monday | Tuesday |
Wednesday | Thursday |
Friday |
feb 6
Reg day |
feb 7
REC 1: Worse is Better
Preparation: Read Worse is Better
First day of classes |
feb 8
LEC 1: Intro to systems (video)
Preparation: Book sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 |
feb 9
REC 2: The Architecture of Complexity
Preparation: Simon paper
DUE: Paper question |
feb 10
TUT 1: No tutorial
Assigned: Memo #1 |
feb 13
LEC 2: Trends in computer systems (video)
Preparation: Book sections 1.4 and 1.5 |
feb 14
REC 3: Therac-25
Preparation: Therac-25 paper and Recent NYTimes article
DUE: Memo #1
Assigned: Design project 1 |
feb 15
LEC 3: Client/server (video)
Preparation: Book sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 |
feb 16
REC 4: X window system
Preparation: X window system paper
DUE: Paper question
Assigned: Hands-on #1 (file systems) |
feb 17
TUT 2: Writing program section
Preparation: Therac-25 paper and assignment |
feb 20
President's day |
feb 21
LEC 4: Naming (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 2.1 and 2.2
DUE: Memo #1 revised
Monday schedule |
feb 22
LEC 5: Operating system structure (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 5.1, 5.3, and 5.4 |
feb 23
REC 5: Unix file system
Preparation: Book section 2.5 (Unix FS case study)
DUE: Hands-on #1 (file systems)
Assigned: Hands-on #2 (Unix) |
feb 24
TUT 3: Design project 1 introduction
Preparation: DP1 assignment |
feb 27
LEC 6: Client/server in one computer (slides, video)
Preparation: Book section 5.2 |
feb 28
REC 6: Unix processes
Preparation: Unix paper
DUE: Hands-on #2 (Unix) |
feb 29
LEC 7: Virtualizing processors: threads (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 5.5 and 5.6 |
mar 1
REC 7: Eraser
Preparation: Eraser paper
DUE: DP1 proposal |
mar 2
TUT 4: Design project 1 discussion |
mar 5
LEC 8: Virtual machines (slides, video)
Preparation: Book section 5.8 |
mar 6
REC 8: Virtual machines
Preparation: VM evolution paper
DUE: Paper question |
mar 7
LEC 9: Performance (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3.4
Quiz review session: 7:30pm-9:30pm in 32-123 |
mar 8
REC 9: MapReduce
Preparation: MapReduce paper
DUE: Paper question |
mar 9
QUIZ 1: 2:00pm (FAQ) Last names A-N: in 34-101 Last names O-Z: in 2-190
mar 12
LEC 10: Intro networking (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 (book chapters 7-11 are online) |
mar 13
REC 10: End-to-end arguments and NATs
Preparation: End-to-end paper and NAT overview
DUE: Paper question
Assigned: Hands-on #3 (traceroute) |
mar 14
LEC 11: Protocols and network layer (slides, video)
Preparation: Wide-area routing paper |
mar 15
REC 11: Internet routing
Preparation: Wide-area routing paper
DUE: Hands-on #3 (traceroute) |
mar 16
TUT 5: Writing the DP1 report |
mar 19
LEC 12: Peer-to-peer networks (slides, video)
Preparation: None |
mar 20
REC 12: BitTorrent
Preparation: BitTyrant paper
DUE: Paper question |
mar 21
LEC 13: Transport layer: reliability & congestion (slides, video, ttcp-loss, ttcp-congestion)
Preparation: Book section 7.6 |
mar 22
REC 13: No recitation
DUE: DP1 report
Assigned: Hands-on #4 (DNS) |
mar 23
TUT 6: No tutorial |
mar 26
Spring break |
mar 27
Spring break |
mar 28
Spring break |
mar 29
Spring break |
mar 30
Spring break |
apr 2
LEC 14: Reliability (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3
Assigned: Hands-on #5 (logging) |
apr 3
REC 14: Content distribution networks (CDNs)
Preparation: Coral paper
DUE: Hands-on #4 (DNS) |
apr 4
LEC 15: Intro transactions (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 9.1, 9.2.1, and 9.2.2
Assigned: Hands-on #6 (databases) |
apr 5
REC 15: Durability
Preparation: RAID paper
DUE: Paper question |
apr 6
TUT 7: Revising and responding to readers' comments |
apr 9
LEC 16: Logging (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 9.2.3, 9.2.4, and 9.3
DUE: Hands-on #5 (logging)
Assigned: Design project 2 |
apr 10
Preparation: LFS paper
DUE: Paper question |
apr 11
LEC 17: Isolation (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 9.4 and 9.5
DUE: Hands-on #6 (databases) |
apr 12
REC 17: System R
Preparation: System R paper
DUE: Paper question
DUE: Form DP2 groups, email list of 3 members to your TA or request to be assigned to group |
apr 13
TUT 8: Design project 2 discussion
Preparation: DP2 assignment |
apr 16
Patriots day |
apr 17
Patriots day |
apr 18
LEC 18: Distributed transactions (video)
Preparation: Book section 9.6
Quiz review session: 7:30pm-9:30pm in 32-123 |
apr 19
REC 18: ObjectStore
Preparation: ObjectStore paper
DUE: Paper question |
apr 20
QUIZ 2: 2:00pm (FAQ) Last names A-K: in 4-270 Last names L-Z: in 2-190 |
apr 23
LEC 19: Ordering and consistency (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 10.1, 10.2, and 10.4 |
apr 24
REC 19: Unison
Preparation: Unison paper
DUE: Paper question |
apr 25
LEC 20: Replicated state machines (slides, video)
Preparation: Book section 10.3 |
apr 26
REC 20: Porcupine
Preparation: Porcupine paper
DUE: DP2 proposal
apr 27
TUT 9: Design project 2 discussion |
apr 30
LEC 21: Security intro (slides, video)
Preparation: Book section 11.1 |
may 1
REC 21: Buffer overrun attacks
Preparation: Buffer overrun paper
DUE: Paper question
Assigned: Hands-on #7 (crypto) |
may 2
LEC 22: Authentication and passwords (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 11.2 and 11.3 |
may 3
REC 22: Why DO cryptosystems fail?
Preparation: Cryptosystems paper
DUE: Paper question |
may 4
TUT 10: No tutorial |
may 7
LEC 23: Mobile code security (slides, video)
Preparation: Book section 11.6 |
may 8
REC 23: Tracking Witty
Preparation: Witty paper
DUE: Hands-on #7 (crypto) |
may 9
LEC 24: Secure channels (slides, video)
Preparation: Book sections 11.4 and 11.5 |
may 10
REC 24: Trusting trust
Preparation: Trusting trust paper
DUE: DP2 report |
may 11
TUT 11: No tutorial |
may 14
LEC 25: The Internet and the First Amendment (video)
Preparation: None |
may 15
REC 25: DP2 presentations (during recitation)
Preparation: Prepare your talk |
may 16
LEC 26: Complexity (slides, video)
Preparation: None |
may 17
REC 26: Hints for system design
Preparation: Computer system design paper
Last day of classes |
may 18 |
may 21
Final exam week |
may 22
Quiz review session: 7:30pm-9:30pm in 32-123
Final exam week |
may 23
Final exam week |
may 24
QUIZ 3: 1:30pm-3:00pm, Johnson Track (FAQ)
Final exam week |
may 25
Final exam week |