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From 6.00 reference wiki

Elements of Style for Python Programmers: Main | Names | Variable Declarations | Indentation | Exceptions

Declare every variable’s type and meaning.

Every variable should have a declaration that states its type (the set of values it can take). Many times it is also a good idea to give some indication of its meaning (what it’s used for). Since Python has no direct support for variable declarations, this declaration should take the form of a comment. For example:

     # hyp: float (hypotenuse of triangle) 

This declaration says that hyp is a floating-point variable that represents the hypotenuse of a triangle. Here are other examples:

     # n: integer
     # inputOK: boolean (True if input was read without error)
     # names: list of strings  (names of the students in alphabetical order)
     # val: anything (value entered by the user) 

Declarations for related variables should be grouped together, above the code where the variable first appears.

Declare every function’s purpose and arguments.

Every function should have a declaration that describes the type and meaning of each formal argument, plus the type and meaning of the value that the function returns. If the function makes any assumptions – e.g., that one of its arguments must be positive, or that a list must be sorted – then these assumptions must be included in the declaration.

Python has a special convention called a documentation string that allows the declaration to be retrieved by calling help(). A documentation string must be the first line of the function (after the def line), and it should be surrounded by three double-quote marks """. (Unlike ordinary double-quotes, triple double-quotes allow you to put line breaks into the string).

For example:

     def factorial(n):
         """n: int >= 0
             returns n!"""
         if n == 0:
             return 1
             return n*factorial(n-1) 

The documentation string can be retrieved by calling help() and will pop-up in IDLE as you type:

     >>> help(factorial)
     Help on function factorial in module __main__: 
         n: integer >= 0
         returns n! 

Here are other examples of properly documented functions:

     def deposit(account, amount):
         """deposits money into an account
                account: Account to receive the deposit
                amount: int (money in dollars)
                returns amount deposited, or None if account has been closed""" 

Here, we have used int as short-hand for integer.

Declare and initialize all global variables at the top of the program.

If you use a global variable, put its declaration at the top of your program, and make sure you give it an initial value there too:

     # screenName: string (the user’s AIM screen name)
     screenName = None 

The initialization ensures that the global variable exists, which eliminates a potential pitfall. Otherwise, Python may think you want to create a local variable when you write to the global variable later, e.g.:

     def setScreenName(name):
         """name: string (the user’s AIM screen name) 
                    sets the user’s screen name """
         screenName = name 

Without the initialization, Python will create a local variable called screenName, which will disappear as soon as the setScreenName function is finished.

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This page has been accessed 45 times. This page was last modified 11:40, 6 February 2006 by 6.00 reference wiki user Asfandyar.

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