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Notes: Recitation 2

From 6.00 reference wiki


Python Control Flow

You should be familiar with the way Python evaluates basic code. We will be moving on to more advanced concepts in the coming weeks.

The following animation/PDF below covers some simple code examples, demonstrating in detail exactly how the Python interpretor will step through your code.

If you want to play with the examples, use the following Python files:

Scopes / Namespaces

When Python encounters a name, it must look up what value that name refers to. A namespace (or scope) is a binding of names to values.

For now, this is what you need to know about namespaces (this is a simplification):

    x = 0 # binds x to the value 0 (see slides)
    def greet():      # when executed, def binds the name greet to this function definition. (see slides)
        print "Hello"

Global and Local

Useful Python stuff

Modulo operator

Simply put, given two integers, a and n, a modulo n is the remainder after numerical division of a by n. So, for example, 4 modulo 3 is 1, 5 modulo 3 is 2, and 9 modulo 3 is 0.

In Python you can use the % operator with two int values to get the modulo.

  >> 9 % 3
  >> 5 % 3
  >> 4 % 3

Suppose you wanted to see if the value of the (integer) variable x was divisible by the value of the (integer) variable y, you could use the following if statement:

  # x and y are integers
  if x % y == 0:
     print "divisible"
     print "not divisible"

This displays 'divisible' if y is a factor of x, or 'not divisible' otherwise.

The abs operator

The abs operator gives you the absolute value of its numerical argument (it discards the sign, returning only the magnitude).

 >> abs(-1)
 >> abs(1)

It works for both floating point and integer numbers.

 >> abs(-3.1452)

abs can be particularly useful when you want to know the difference between two numbers, but you don't know or care which one is larger.

 # x and y are numbers
 diff = abs(y - x)

If we didn't use the abs operator, we would have to do something like the following to calculate diff:

 diff = y - x
 if diff < 0: diff = -diff

Printing on the same line

Normally, the print statement displays what you tell it to, and moves to the next line. The next print then starts on the new line. Sometimes you want two print statements to display something on the same line. By putting a comma (,) at the end of a print statement you tell it to display the argument without moving to a new line. So, for example:

  print "Hello", 
  print "world",
  print "is a",
  print "boring example"


  Hello world is a boring example

Or a better example:

  for x in range(10):
      print x, 


  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

We need the print outside the loop to tell Python to move to a new line, otherwise it will keep printing after the 9, until it runs out of space.

Programming Exercise: Nested Loops

Write a print_matrix function that does the following:

  def print_matrix(start, width, height):
      Prints a matrix of numbers width columns 'wide' and 'height' columns high.
      The top-left entry is equal to 'start'. Keeping the row constant, numbers
      increase by one as we move bone column left. Keeping the column constant,
      numbers increase by 'width' as we move one row down.
         width, height: int > 0
         start: int
      Sample output for start=10, width=3, height=3:
      10 11 12
      13 14 15
      16 17 18
      # ...

For example:

  >>> print_matrix(10, 5, 5)
  10    11    12    13    14
  15    16    17    18    19	
  20    21    22    23    24	
  25    26    27    28    29	
  30    31    32    33    34	

You can write a for loop inside a for loop for this.

A Solution

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This page has been accessed 164 times. This page was last modified 00:43, 18 February 2006 by 6.00 reference wiki user Asfandyar.

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