Class RepArrayRegionSet<L>

An implementation of RegionSet.

PS2 instructions: you must use the provided rep. You may not change the spec of the constructor.

Type Parameters

  • L






  • Create an empty region set for a gridSize x gridSize grid.

    Type Parameters

    • L


    • gridSize: number

      dimension of grid, must be nonnegative integer

    Returns RepArrayRegionSet<L>


gridSize: number

dimension of grid, must be nonnegative integer


  • Add a rectangle of grid cells to the region labeled by the given label (or create such a labeled region if it was not already present), if it does not intersect with other existing labeled regions.


    • label: L

      label of region

    • rect: Rect

      rectangle to add to labeled region. Required to have nonzero area and integer coordinates drawn from [0,gridSize].

    Returns void


    Error if adding the rectangle would make label's region discontiguous or would intersect with a cell in another labeled region

  • Get the bounding box of a labeled region.


    • label: L

      label of region

    Returns undefined | Rect

    the smallest rectangle that contains all the grid cells in the labeled region, or undefined if no region with that label exists.

  • Get the labels of regions that intersect the given rectangle (where the intersection contains at least one full grid cell).


    • rect: Rect

      rectangle to query. Its coordinates must be integers in [0,gridSize].

    Returns Set<L>

    the labels of regions in this set whose intersection with rect contains at least one grid cell

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