Spring 2004
Course Description: Lectures and labs on digital logic, flipflops, PALs, FPGA's, counters, timing, synchronization, and finite-state machines prepare students for the design and implementation of a final project of their choice: games, music, digital filters, wireless communictions, graphics, etc. Extensive use of Verilog for describing and implementating digital logic designs. Students engage in extensive written and oral communication exercises. Six extra units possible via registration for 6.905 after project proposal. 12 Engineering Design Points.
Prereq: 6.002 or 6.071 or
Units: 3-7-2
Lecture: MWF1 (34-101)
Recitation: F1 (36-144, 36-153, 36-372)
Anantha Chandrakasan
(anantha@mtl.mit.edu, ph: 8-7619, office hours in 38-107)
Anantha Chandrakasan
(anantha@mtl.mit.edu, ph: 8-7619, office hours in 38-107)
Don Troxel (troxel@mit.edu,
ph: 3-2570, 36-287)
Cemal Akcaba (akcabac@mit.edu, ph: 3-7350, office hours in 38-600)
Jia Fu Cen (jiafu@mit.edu, ph: 3-7350, office hours in 38-600)
David Milliner (dlm@mit.edu, ph: 3-7350, office hours 38-600)
Recitation Assignments (requires MIT
CA certificate)
of Lecturer, Teaching Assistants, and Lab Aides (requires
MIT CA certificate)
Recommended Books:
Logic Design:
Randy Katz, Contemporary Logic Design, Addison-Wesley, 1993
(new edition expected in 2004).
Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL, Pearson Education (2nd edition).
Donald Thomas, Philip Moorby, The Verilog Hardware Description Language,
Fifth Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
6.111 Hotline Send electronic mail to 6.111staff@mit.edu
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