Energy Efficiency and Conservation Projects
To continuously reduce energy consumption on campus and meet the goals set by the Efficiency Forward agreements with Eversource, MIT employs a range of strategies, including:
Incorporate LEED building and sustainable design features in all new construction projects
- Highly efficient chiller system technologies
- HVAC system rightsizing and efficient technology choices
- Efficient and proper lighting technologies
- Lighting controls, occupancy sensors, day lighting sensors, etc.
Supplement capital renewal projects with efficiency measures
- Identify and incorporate energy conservation measures (ECM) side-by-side with capital renewal to improve cost effectiveness
Undertake building retrofits
- Identify ECM and opportunities for operational improvement
- Optimize building automation systems to improve HVAC system efficiency
- Upgrade mechanical systems, and/or equipment
- Lighting relamping/reballasting or full fixture upgrade
- Incorporate lighting controls
- Data-based commissioning
- Compressed air system enhancements
- Variable frequency drives
- Chilled water system optimization
- Fume hood system air volume reductions
- Demand-control HVAC systems
- Whole building deep energy retrofits
Improve campus infrastructure efficiency
- Repair and/or replace insulation campuswide around steam and chilled water pipes
- Repair and/or replace failing steam traps campuswide
Implement behavior change measures
- Reduced lighting use, e.g., “Lights Out” program
- Personal computer power management feature deployment
- Dorm/office/lab electricity competitions
- Fume hood sash management