Knots and Crosswords
Unsatisfied with Naughts 'N' Crosses,
Matt asked his friend Joe to come up with a new game for him.
Starting with Matt's fondness for word puzzles,
here's what Joe pulled from his files.
1. | Angelina Ex | 11. | Plane Rotation |
2. | Battleship Variant | 12. | Pressure-Based Bomb |
3. | Big Iron | 13. | Regis Offering |
4. | Handset Noise | 14. | Rule |
5. | How To Get From Drive To Reverse | 15. | Shell ? |
6. | Lift Name | 16. | Show Nudity |
7. | Navigator's Almanac | 17. | Star Trek Genre |
8. | Newsstand Face | 18. | Titanic Foe |
9. | '94 Busey Film | 19. | To Jump From An Aircraft |
10. | Peak Height | 20. | Unwelcome Follower |