The role-playing game of elves and engineers.
Copyright 2017 Setec Astronomy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Be Noisy Productions.
Setec Astronomy/Monsters et Manus would like to thank the following people:
Materials and Logistics Support:
MIT Student Group:
MIT Departments:
Setec Astronomy/Monsters et Manus would like to thank our sponsors:
The “Check Answer” page for each puzzle has three ways to send information or requests to HQ.
If you need to contact HQ about an issue not connected to a puzzle, call directly. Please also refer to the health and safety information.
In order to fight the game’s most dangerous enemies, your characters will have to be at a high level. You can achieve this by solving puzzles. Solving a character’s puzzles increases the level of that character. For example, whenever you solve a Cleric puzzle, your Cleric will gain a level.
Each puzzle requires a minimum level to view, so solving character puzzles may unlock more character puzzles. When all of a character’s puzzle answers are combined, they form a metapuzzle that can be solved to reveal that character’s special ability. (You can submit the answer to a character metapuzzle on the character’s main page.) Once you have revealed all of your party’s special abilities, you can confront the sorcerer, Mystereo Cantos.
Once your party level (the total level of your characters) is high enough, you will unlock quests. Each quest consists of a set of puzzles and a metapuzzle. Like character puzzles, each quest puzzle has a required character level for viewing.
Unlike character puzzles, solving quest puzzles does NOT level up your characters, and thus will not unlock any new puzzles. However, the answers to a quest’s puzzles can be combined to help you solve the quest’s metapuzzle (by answering a question posed on the quest page), and solving a quest metapuzzle will level up ALL characters. (You can submit the answer to a quest metapuzzle on the quest’s main page.)
In addition, each time you solve a quest puzzle, you will either receive a unique item or some gold. Gold can be spent to ask hint questions as described below, and items, which can be viewed in your inventory, can be used for [this portion of the player handbook is smudged and illegible].
During the heroes’ adventures, you will have the opportunity to attend four training events oriented around particular skills. Participating in any event will level up all characters. Completing the first and second events will each increase all character levels by one, while the third and fourth events will increase all character levels by two. Additional gold will be available at some events as well.
IMPORTANT: It is impossible to defeat Mystereo Cantos without participating in all events.
You can spend 100 gold to ask a hint question about any quest or character puzzle (but not a metapuzzle). This question must be a yes/no question with an objective answer. If the question is valid, you will receive an answer and we will keep your 100 gold (which is nonrefundable!). If the question is invalid, you will be told this and your gold will be returned to you.
Examples of acceptable hint questions:
To summarize the information above, if you want to unlock new puzzles, you need to level up characters, and there are three ways to do this:
Events are scheduled fairly regularly, so if you’re stuck, keep trying the puzzles you have available, and after the next event occurs, you should get a bit of a boost.