You decide to check out the local university; if there’s anyone on this island who’s wise, they’ve got to be here. Inside one room you find a desk covered in specimen containers and sheets of scribbled mathematical equations. Behind it, National Taxonomist Dexter is busy reindexing specimens according to complex mathematical formulas.
How can you defeat The Taxonomist?

Note: All intermediate operations result in a valid number.

→ ÷6 → ×5 → −24 →
→ ×8 → +17 →
→ ^4 → −7 →
→ ÷7 → +1 →
→ −50 → log2 → ×8 →
→ ^3 → ÷7 → ×6 →
→ +29 → ÷3 → +22 →

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