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Megan Rosenfeld, "Review of Ang Lee's The Wedding Banquet," a film depicting transnational Asians in the American society (Washington Post)
David Weich, An Interview with Gish Jen, the Asian American Writer
Erica Noonan, "Author Gish Jen Explores America's Immigrant Experience"
"Voices from the Gap: Gish Jen" Women Writers of Color Project at the University of Minnesota (Brief biography, criticism, and a list of works about Jen)
Bill Moyers, An Interview with Gish Jen, Becoming American: the Chinese Experience, a Bill Moyers Special on PBS
Yuko Matsukawa, "Gish Jen - Asian Perspectives - Interview," MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (Winter, 1993)
David Henry Hwang, "Afterword," M. Butterfly (pp. 94-100)
Andrew Shin, "Projected bodies in David Henry Hwang's M. Butterfly and Golden Gate," MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (Spring, 2002)
Bonnie Lyons, "'Making His Muscles Work For Himself': An Interview with David Henry Hwang - Asian-American Playwright," MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (Winter, 1999)
James Berardinelli, "Review: M. Butterfly," a film (dir. David Cronenberg) based on David Henry Hwang's M. Butterfly

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