Prof. Alexa Huang

Founding Co-Director of the GW Digital Humanities Institute
Director, Dean's Scholars in Shakespeare Program
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of English
Professor of English, Theatre and Dance
     East Asian Languages and Literatures and International Affairs

Department of English
George Washington University

For Students

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Alexa Huang at GW
Alexa Huang at MIT
Global Shakespeares

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Feel free to stop by Prof. Huang's office to discuss course materials, career planning, or your overall well-being. She enjoys teaching classes of various sizes at all levels, and frequently incorporates films and other visual materials to help students develop both critical thinking skills and visual literacy. Among Prof. Huang's favorite authors are Shakespeare, Hermann Hesse, and such humorists and satirists as Oscar Wilde, Wang Shuo, Lao She, and Qian Zhongshu.

Prof. Huang has studied at Stanford, Oxford, Leeds, Göttingen (where brothers Grimm collected and edited their famous fairy tales), Trier (the birthplace of Karl Marx), Munich, Tsinghua University, as well as Strasbourg (the capital of Alsace province known for its Petite France area and gastronomy).


The Shakeseare Standard Interviews Alexa Huang (May 2014)

BBC The Review Show

BBC World Service

BBC The Strand

University of Western Australia Interview (iVec National Supercomuting Center)

BBC Radio Scotland

2013 U.S. congressional briefing on the state of humanities

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