General References for Prof. Huang's Film & Literature Courses

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American Film Institute
The AFI was created in 1967 with the goal of preserving films and advancing the art and production of film and television. Headquartered in Washington DC, with branches in New York and Los Angeles, the Institute's projects include the preservation of thousands of films, publication of a catalog of every film produced in America, financial support for filmmakers and educators, and operation of the Center for Advanced Film and Television Studies in LA.
British Film Institute
One of the oldest film organizations, founded in 1933 and located in London. Operates the National Film Theatre, and includes huge film and still archives, a distribution agency, and an information service. The Web site links to a wide varity of of information including current and older films, news, exibitions, film education resources, and to Sight and Sound, which is published by the Institute.
BoxOffice Online
The online version of one of the major trade publications since the 1920s. Reviews, previews, news, industry information, and box office figures. Backfile to 1995.
Film Resources on the Web
An excellent site and labor of love from a former staff member of the Davis Library Reference Department. Links to resources for every imaginable aspect of films and filmmaking with a special emphasis on the study and analysis of films.
Internet Movie Database
A fabulous site for just about everything you want to know about films. Contains production data, awards, user reviews, plot summaries, and whether it is commercially available onvideo or DVD. The database can be searched for titles, personal names, plots, quotes, and character names. Some numbers: over 200,000 films and tv shows cited, information on over 400,000 actors and actresses and 40,000 directors.
Lexis/Nexis Academic
Full text of general, regional and international news, company news and financial information, legal information (including law reviews, case law and legal rulings), and other topics such as biographical information. For movies a valuable resource for reviews, especially in U.S. regional and foreign news media; trade news; and government and legal information related to legislation and other issues such as copyright and censorship. Coverage varies but generally the last 15 years for news.Available campus-wide and from off-campus to UNC Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff.
Film Studies--Internet Sites from the American University Library
A great starting place with links to all of the major sites for information on films including reviews, ratings, vendors, and film-related portal sites, and good descriptions of the sites.
Movie Review Query Engine
One of the best sites for free reviews with over 220,000 reviews from over 26,000 publications from the beginnings of motion pictures. Also has links to lists of recent releases, most popular recent releases, most reviewed titles, box office figures, and festivals and awards.
Sight & Sound Review Archive
A growing database of the film reviews published in Sight & Sound, one of the premier periodicals for film studies, published by the British Film Institute. Now covers only a few years but plans are to add more. Sight & Sound does not contribute full text to any online databases so this site is particularly valuable.
The New York Times Movies
Information on current releases and an archive of all reviews going back to 1983 and selected ones to 1929. You may need to move down the page to see the Review Archive link.
Akira Kurosawa Database
Akira Kurosawa Page
Asian Media Access (National Endowment for the Arts)
Asian Film Connections (University of Southern California)
Official Website of the Japanese Feature Film, Onmyoji
Literature of the Asian Diaspora: A Focus Grant Project Funded by the National Endowment of Humanities (Department of Comparative Literature, The Pennsylvania State University)
The Asian Diaspora (a multimedia-enhanced website with interactive maps), Time Asia
Becoming American: The Chinese Experience (a Bill Moyers Special on PBS)
Asian American Literature: Sources for Research (Prof. Noelle Williams of San Jose State University)
Asian American Writers' Workshop, a non-profit literary arts organization
Transnational China Project (Baker Institute, Rice University)
Asian-Nation: The Landscape of Asian America (Exploring the historical, political, social, economic, and cultural elements and issues that make up today's Asian American community, 'Asian-Nation' provides provocative, useful, and interactive content about the Asian American community. You can think of it as an online version of 'Asian Americans 101' written from a personal perspective.)
Asian American Section of, a first-rate annotated bibliography of useful websites related to the arts, culture, filom, history, literature, religion, women, and politics of Asian America
Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco
Japanese American National Museum
Center for Korean American Culture
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program (The Smithsonian Institution, America's premier complex of museums, has embarked on an historic journey to incorporate the meaningful elements of Asian Pacific American (APA) heritages into its museum and offices.)
The Korean Americans: A Century of Experience, a curriculum guide by the Smithsonian Museum
Asian, Pacific and South Asian American Studies (This excellent resource from the UC Berkeley library features descriptions of scores of Asian and Asian American films as well as links to other great resources.)
Pan-Asia Film Review Archive, Ross Chen
Korean Film: The Films, Issues, People, and Events That Shape the Film Community in Korea
A Short History of Korean Film by Darcy Paquet
Korean Film Archive by a non-profit organization that collects and preserves Korean films
Korean Film Festival DC 2004, the largest festival of Korean cinema ever presented in the US
Korean Literature Today publishes English translations of modern Korean literature, together with critical essays. Website sponsored by The Korean Center of International P.E.N and the Korean Culture and Arts Foundation
Kungfu Cinema (An English-language, martial arts film site on the web averaging 150,000 readers monthly based in Seattle. It features reviews of new and classic martial arts-related movies from around the world and offer the latest news on upcoming projects. The site also features interviews with some of the hottest talent in the international action film industry.)
Chinese Cinema by Shaoyi Sun
Chinese Cinema by Shelly Kraicer


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