Working Papers / Published Papers / Data |
Exchange Rate Transaction and Translation Risk, with Patrick Adams. February 2021, pdf. |
The Volatility of International Capital Flows and Foreign Assets, with Winston Dou. September 2015, pdf. |
Common Factors, Order Flows, and Exchange Rate Dynamics, with Valere Fourel, Dagfinn Rime, Lucio Sarno, and Maik Schmeling. July 2015, pdf. |
Uncertainty Betas and International Capital Flows, with Francois Gourio and Michael Siemer. December 2014, pdf. |
The International CAPM Redux, with Francesca Brusa and Tarun Ramadorai. First version: June 2014; This version: November 2014, pdf (appendix) |
Sovereign Risk Premia, with Nicola Borri, May 2015 pdf (appendix, data). Winner of the WRDS Best Paper Award, EFM 2010. |
Crash Risk in Currency Markets, with Emmanuel Farhi, Samuel Fraiberger, Xavier Gabaix and Romain Ranciere, May 2014, pdf (appendix). |
After the fall of 2008, currency options prices exhibit a sharp increase in tail risk, similar to the emergence of the smirk in equity options after the 1987 crash. We estimate a simple structural model that includes both Gaussian and disaster risk.
Published Papers
The Term Structure of Currency Carry Trade Risk Premia with Hanno Lustig and Andreas Stathopoulos, March 2019, American Economic Review, 2019 pdf (appendix) |
Does Incomplete Spanning in International Financial Markets Help to Explain Exchange Rates? with Hanno Lustig, October 2018, American Economic Review, 2019 pdf. |
Deviations from Covered Interest Rate Parity with Wenxin Du and Alexander Tepper, Journal of Finance, 2018, Vol. 73, No 3, pp. 915-957, pdf. |
The Share of Systematic Risk in Bilateral Exchange Rates, Journal of Finance, 2018, Vol. 73, No 1, p. 375-418, pdf (appendix, data) |
Countercyclical Currency Risk Premia, with Hanno Lustig and Nikolai Roussanov, Journal of Financial Economics, March 2014, Vol. 111 (3), pp. 527-553, pdf. |
The Wealth-Consumption Ratio, with Hanno Lustig and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Review of Asset Pricing, June 2013, Vol. 3 (1), pp 38--94, pdf. |
International Risk Cycles, with Francois Gourio and Michael Siemer, Journal of International Economics, March 2013, Vol. 89, pp. 471-484, pdf (appendix). |
A two-country real business cycle model generates a low correlation between relative consumption growth and exchange rates, a large forward premium, and "excess comovement" of asset prices relative to quantities.
Business Cyclical Variation in the Risk-Return Trade-off, with Hanno Lustig, Journal of Monetary Economics, December 2012, Vol. 59, pp. 35-49, pdf (appendix). |
Common Risk Factors in Currency Markets, with Hanno Lustig and Nikolai Roussanov, Review of Financial Studies, November 2011, Vol. 24 (11), pp. 3731-3777, (pdf, data). Winner of the Terker Prize in Investment Research, 2009. |
The Cross-Section of Foreign Currency Risk Premia and US Consumption Growth Risk: A Reply, with Hanno Lustig. American Economic Review, December 2011, Vol. 101, pp. 3477-3500 (pdf). |
Information Shocks, Liquidity Shocks, Jumps, and Price Discovery: Evidence from the U.S. Treasury Market, with George J. Jiang and Ingrid Lo, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 46, No. 2, Apr. 2011, pp. 527–551 (pdf). |
- Relative importance of macroeconomic news announcements versus variation in market liquidity in explaining the observed jumps in the U.S. Treasury market.
Long-Run Risk, the Wealth-Consumption Ratio, and the Temporal Pricing of Risk, with Ralph Koijen, Hanno Lustig, and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May 2010, Vol. 100, No 2, pp 552-556 (pdf). Appendix (pdf). |
- The long-run risk model, which is successful at matching the wealth-consumption ratio, high equity risk premium and the nominal yields at
short maturities implies too little (much) variation in the martingale component of the nominal (real) pricing kernel.
A Habit-Based Explanation of the Exchange Rate Risk Premium, First Version: November 2003, This Version: October 2008,
pdf. Journal of Finance, February 2010, Vol. 65, No 1, pp 123-145. Appendix (pdf) |
The Cross-Section of Foreign Currency Risk Premia and US Consumption Growth Risk, with Hanno Lustig. American Economic Review, March 2007, vol. 97, No 1, pp 89-117, pdf. Data |
Investing in Foreign Currency is like Betting on your Intertemporal Marginal Rate of Substitution, with Hanno Lustig. Journal of the European Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings, April-May 2006, Vol. 4, No. 2-3, pp 644-655, pdf. |