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Education Initiatives

Central to the Global Airline Industry Program are activities directed specifically at education. The educational elements of the program include:

  • Interactive workshops with faculty, student and industry participation. The workshops enable communication between academia and industry to ensure that: (a) program research themes address industry concerns and interests; and (b) industry representatives are informed of research findings as they develop.
  • A seminar series with speakers from industry, open to the academic and local business communities to build participants' knowledge of and appreciation for the airline industry, and to spur their interests in the study of and research on this topic.
  • Educational aids for use at MIT, at other universities, and in industry. These aids reflect the Program's research and include simulations and competitive games, teaching cases, and demonstrations.
  • Documents that could be used by educators worldwide, including articles and Ph.D. theses, and a textbook, "The Global Airline Industry."
  • MIT course offerings on the airline industry that add to, enhance and integrate current offerings. For example, “The Airline Industry” was developed in 2001 and if offered every Fall Term. It is an introductory graduate level subject taught by all Faculty participants of this program and provides a survey of all facets of the air transportation system. Other offerings include course modules reflecting the research themes of the program, drawing directly from industry with case studies and simulations, and integrating multiple disciplines reflecting the multiplicity of perspectives of the program participants.
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