The Neural Control of Vision
P. Ongoing Research

The images shown here are of the occipital cortex in a subject with intact stereopsis. The first shows brain activation when both cues were presented from which the rocking display without any depth cues is subtracted (condition 4 - condition 1). The second shows activation based on parallax cues produced by subtracting the stereo alone condition from the condition when both cues are presented (condition 4 - condition 2). The third shows activation based on stereopsis by subtracting parallax alone from the conditions when both cues are presented (condition 4 - condition 3). The data show much more robust activation when both cues are presented, and shows some regional differences for stereo and parallax processing.

Click on the following links to see:

Parallax + Stereo vs. Parallax alone (600 x 800) (900 x 1200)
Parallax + Stereo vs. Stereo alone (600 x 800) (900 x 1200)
Parallax alone vs. Stereo alone (600 x 800) (900 x 1200)