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January 2015

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New BLOSSOMS Lesson on “The Mysteries of Magnetism”
The Mysteries of MagnetismJust how did magnetism work in those rocks from Magnesia discovered by Thales of Greece? Gary Garber, a physics instructor at the Boston University Academy, has developed a new BLOSSOMS lesson that explores the connections between magnetism in natural materials and in electromagnetism. The ultimate goal here is for students to form an understanding that the source of magnetism in natural materials is moving charges. While the actual video teacher footage of this lesson is short, this allows plenty of time in a 50-minute class for students to explore the hands-on activities—which are in-depth and inquiry-based. Watch lesson here.

Electrochemistry and Electrolysis Are the Foci of New Lesson from Malaysia
ElectrochemistryWhat is the role of the anode and the cathode in electrolysis when an iron nail is coated with copper? Students will explore this and many other questions in the new lesson, “Electrochemistry: Electroplating,” developed by two teachers from the Muar Science School—Hafizah Binti Nasir and Mohd Fared Bin Samin. The aim of this lesson is to introduce the concepts of Electrochemistry and Electroplating and to present their industrial applications in our daily lives. It will provide an excellent extension to a lesson on Electrolysis. Watch lesson here.

New Physics Lesson Examines “Unseen” Resolution of Forces
ForcesThis new lesson, “Forces and Angles,” was developed by three high school science teachers from Malaysia— Bahtiar Afandi, Jong Kah Yin and Hussaini Abdul Rahman. Students will work together conducting several experiments and using their knowledge of trigonometry to answer questions like the following: what is the relationship between the degree of an inclined plane and the force exerted on the load? This lesson includes embedded video clips, animations, diagrams and inquiry-based experiments where students are required to work collaboratively and answer thought-provoking questions. It is geared to students aged 15-16 and will teach them to draw free body diagrams. Watch lesson here.

MIT BLOSSOMS Teacher Is Finalist for Global Teacher Prize

Naomi VolainNaomi Volain, a teacher at the Springfield Central High School in Springfield, Massachusetts, has been selected as one of fifty finalists for the 2015 Global Teacher Prize. In 2014, Naomi developed an MIT BLOSSOMS lesson entitled “Pollination: Saying It with Flowers,” which focuses on plants as essential players in the natural world. Read more.

Applications now Accepted for MIT Science and Engineering Program for Teachers

logoEach summer, a group of outstanding educators comes to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the Science and Engineering Program for Teachers (SEPT). During the week-long program for professional development, teachers are immersed in the unique learning environment at MIT. Participants attend daily sessions on leading-edge research, try out the latest technologies developed at MIT, and talk shop with a community of passionate educators. Apply here.

BLOSSOMS Lessons to be Subtitled in Spanish
A total of twenty BLOSSOMS lessons will be subtitled in Spanish by teams of translators from Georgia Tech University and from Tec Milenio in Mexico.