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Featured Public Events
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Welcome and Introduction
David Thorburn, MIT
video | audiostream
Oversharing: The End of Privacy?
Feona Attwood, Middlesex University (UK)
David Rosen, author
Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard University
Moderator: Nick Montfort, MIT
Friday, May 3
Bartos Theater (building E15)
video | podcast | audiostream | summary
Surveillance: Big Data and other Watchers
Goran Bolin, Sodertorn University (Sweden)
Kelly Gates, University of California, San Diego
Jose van Dijck, University of Amsterdam
Ethan Zuckerman, MIT
May 4
Wong Aud. (building E51)
video | podcast | audiostream
| summary
Counterpublics: Self-Fashioning and Alternate Communities
Cristobal Garcia, P. Universidad Catolica (Chile)
Eric Gordon, Emerson College
Henry Jenkins, USC
Maria San Filippo, Harvard University
Moderator: Noel Jackson, MIT
Saturday, May 4
Wong Aud. (building E51)
video | podcast | audiostream | summary
Summing Up, Looking Ahead
Roderick Coover, Temple University
Theo Hug, University of Innsbruck
Molly Sauter, MIT
Dan Whaley, hypothes.is
Moderator: James Paradis, MIT
Sunday, May 5
Wong Aud. (building E51)
video | podcast | audiostream
All call session rooms are in building E51.
May 3 [Saturday,
May 4] [Sunday,
May 5] |
E15 lower
Registration / check-in |
Bartos Theater
and Introduction
David Thorburn, MIT
video | audiostream
Bartos Theater
Forum 1: Oversharing
Feona Attwood, Middlesex University (UK)
David Rosen, author
Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard University
Moderator: Nick Montfort, MIT
video | podcast | audiostream | summary
2-2:45 |
Break |
All call session rooms are in building E51. |
Fri., May 3 |
Session 1 |
E51-145 |
The Internet as Archive
Sheenagh Pietrobruno, Heritage Archives and Social Media
Anne Helmond, Exploring the Boundaries of a Website: Using the Internet Archive to Study Historical Web Ecologies
Amalia Levi, Unmediated Voices, Mediated Platforms: Social Media as Primary Sources in Historical Research
Chris Peterson, The Ark in the Archives
Moderator: Jeffrey Gutierrez |
E51-149 |
Social Networks
Matthew Hibberd, Private Lives and Public Emergencies: An Asian Case Study
Jaigris Hodson, The Paradox Between Public Action and Private Control on Facebook and Google
Jose van Dijck, Reshaping Public Space in a Culture of Connectivity
Nicola Cavalli, Paolo Ferri, Arianna Mainardi, Andrea Mangiatordi, Marina Micheli, Andrea Pozzali and Francesca Scenini, How do Italian University Students See and Use Facebook: Is it Private, Public, or Both?
Moderator: Brian Johnsrud |
E51-315 |
The Dark Side of Spreadability
Kevin Driscoll, Data Laundering: Visibility and the Politics of Being Counted
Sam Ford, Listening and Empathizing: Advocating for New Management Logics in Marketing and Corporate Communications
Kate Miltner, All Ur Content Are Belong To Us: Publicness, Consent, and the Implications of Unwanted Spreadability
Whitney Phillips, Just Because it Does Spread Doesn't Mean it Should: Online Vigilantism and the Problem of Public Shaming
Respondent: Jonathan Zittrain
Moderator: Chris Weaver |
E51-361 |
Teen Privacy
Pilar Lacasa and Sara Cortés, Dialogue Between Public and Private Lives: Adolescents' Identities and New Media
Leslie R. Shade, Giuliana Cucinelli, Our Privacy Matters! Youth, Identity and Online Sociability
Yaguang Zhu, Mediated Public and Teen Privacy in Social Networks
Moderator: Francesca Musiani |
E51-376 |
Elections and Campaigns
Maxime Boivin, The Blurring of the Distinction between Public and Private in Social Campaigns on the Web
A.E. McQuarrie, Leighann Neilson, Public, but Not too Public: Political Campaigns, Relationship Marketing and Social Media
Chuck Tryon, The Image Macro Election: Legibility, Shareability, Reproducability
Moderator: Ivan Abarca |
E51-390 |
Rumor and Apps Fly
Marcelo Fontoura, Brazilian Open Data Apps as Cultural Manifestations
Heike Ortner, Anonymous Celebrity Gossip Exposed
Jun Liu, Hui Zhao, Mobile Phone Rumor as Public Resistance
Moderator: Sandy Alexandre |
4:15-4:30 |
Break |
Fri., May 3 |
Session 2 |
E51-145 |
Old New Media
Mats Bjorkin, Media Technologies and the Development of Post-War Public Spheres of Production
Mary Morley Cohen, Early Police Radio as a Mobile Communications Prototype
Soren Triff, Civil Society between Modernization and Modernity
Moderator: Harshavardhan Bhat |
E51-149 |
Social Media Platforms between Private, Public and Commercial Space
Taina Bucher, Programmed Publics: Algorithms and Networked Culture
Tarleton Gillespie, Curation by Algorithm
Alfred Hermida, Reconfiguring Journalism
Thomas Poell, Reconfiguring Social Media Activism
Moderator: Jose van Dijck |
E51-315 |
Our Data, Ourselves
Ricardo Amaral, Big Data and Privacy: An Online Ethnographic Survey of Issues, Practices and Influencers
Dan Faltesek, Digital Öffentlichkeit
Kenneth Werbin, Auto-biography: On the Immanent Commodification of Personal Information
Moderator: Kenneth Werbin |
E51-325 |
News Walls and Information Control
Jan Lauren Boyles, How Institutional Terms of Service Restrict Collaborative Newswork
Rahilya Geybullayeva, Private and Public Media as Factors for Making History
Natali Helberger, How the Dutch Media Made Access to News Conditional upon the Permission of Being Tracked
Moderator: Greg Peverill-Conti |
Friday, May 3 continued |
E51-372 |
The Fannish Sphere
Kristina Busse, Karen Hellekson, Academics, Ethics and Private Fan Activities in Public Spaces
Joshua Johnson, Finding Keys to Nerdfighteria: Why Fans Aren't Really Public or Private
Julie Russo, HasBronies? The Gender and Sexuality of My Little Pony Fan Labor
Louisa Stein, "It Is a Truth Universally Acknowledged": Lizzie Bennett, Vlogger
Moderator: Sonja Sapach |
E51-376 |
The Corporate
Jeroen de Vos, Online and Offline Boundaries in a Corporate Community
David Levine, Frank Pasquale, The Moral Imperative of Industry-Specific Application of Doctrine
Amanda Phillips, Privatized Spaces and User Creativity
David Pierson, Corporatizing the Unconscious
Moderator: David Pierson |
May 4 [Friday,
May 3] [Sunday,
May 5] |
E51, Ting Foyer |
Coffee, Rolls, Fruit |
All call session rooms are in building E51. |
Sat., May 4 |
Session 3 |
E51-145 |
Art that Remembers and Forgets
Alberto Frigo, Personal Media vs. Social Media
Raivo Kelomees, Privacy Experiments in Public and Artistic Space
Siobahn O'Flynn, Faisal Anwar, +City: Data Visualization's Troubling of the Digital Public / Private Spheres
Sarah Sweeney, The Forgetting Machine
Moderator: Jon Saklofske |
E51-149 |
Deconstructing the Public / Private Distinction: On Concepts and Practices of Sharing 1
Brigit Huber, Varying Degrees of "Publicness": An Analytical Concept and a Case Study of Shared (New) Media Production
Julia Rone, My Own Private Public Library
Wolfgang Sutzl, Subjectivities of Sharing in New Media
Andreas Wiesinger, Shitstorms – The Dark Side of Sharing
Moderator: Wolfgang Sutzl |
E51-151 |
Familial Media and Collective Memory
Brian C. Johnsrud, Mediated Memory and Genetic Ancestry in Lebanon
Mahalakshmi Mahadevan, Engendering Familial Citizens: Serial-Viewing among Middle-Class Families in Urban India
Richard L. MacDonald, Collective Memory, Storytelling and the Afterlife of the Family Album on Social Media
Moderator: Fiona McQuarrie |
E51-325 |
Piracy: Leakages between the Public and Private
Bodo Balazs, Voluntary, Bottom-up IP Regimes in Piratical File-Sharing Communities
Patrick Burkart, Pirate Politics in European Social Movements
Virginia Crisp, Kim Dotcom's Mega: Political Activism or Self-Promotion?
Martin Fredriksson, An Open Source Project for Politics: Visions of Democracy in American Pirate Parties
Moderator: Martin Fredriksson |
Saturday, May 4 continued |
E51-335 |
Transnational Dimensions of Spreadable Media
Nancy Baym, Music Without Borders: Globalization and its Contents
Henry Jenkins, The 'Mothership' Goes Up the Amazon: What Does "Transmedia" Mean for Brazil?
Aswin Punathambekar, On Murderous and Other Kinds of Rage: Mapping Participatory Culture in Digital India
Ethan Zuckerman, Gangnam Style, Azonto and the Cosmopolitan Remix
Moderator: Sam Ford |
E51-361 |
Sonic / Telephonic
Ben Aslinger, It May Be Public, but it's Not a Performance: The Curious Case of Ringtones
Alex Braidwood, Personal Peformance Machines: Listening Interventions in the Public Soundscape
Paul Gansky, Palpable Privacy: Telephony and Sensory Regulations in Public
John Picker, Public Privacy and the Development of Sonic Space
Moderator: John Picker |
E51-372 |
Live, Real TV
June Deery, The Privatization of the Private on Reality TV
Matthias Herz, Television Reality, Published in Private
Erika Mijlin, The Psychogeography of Live News Space, Then and Now
Moderator: Greg Peverill-Conti |
E51-376 |
Online Sexualities
Maria San Filippo, AfterEllen.com: Online Queer Media Communities as Critical Counterpublics
Sarah Sinwell, A Sexuality without Orientation: "Coming Out" on the Asexual Visibility and Education Network
Moderator: Sarah Sinwell |
E51-390 |
Hanno Biber, Evelyn Breiteneder, Envy, a "Private Novel" by Elfriede Jelinek in the WWW. PPP - Private Public Partnership of the Author and her Readers in the Digital Medium
Roderick Coover, Nick Montfort, Scott Rettebrg, Three Rails Live (3RL)
Scott Rettberg, Network-Based Fictions in the Public / Private Spheres
Moderator: Kelley Kreitz |
10:30-11 |
Break |
Forum 2: Surveillance
Goran Bolin, Sodertorn University (Sweden)
Kelly Gates, University of California, San Diego
Jose van Dijck, University of Amsterdam
Ethan Zuckerman, MIT
video | podcast | audiostream | summary
Lunch |
Sat., May 4 |
Session 4 |
E51-145 |
Public and Private Video Territories
Paula Albuquerque, Webcams as Emerging Cinematic Medium
Rod Coover, Unknown Territories
Lori Landay, The Age of Ilinx: Aesthetics of Movement, Virtual Kino Eye, and Perceptions of Public and Private Space in Digital Cinema, Virtual Worlds and Video Games
Moderator: |
E51-149 |
Deconstructing the Public / Private Distinction: On Concepts and Practices of Sharing 2
Valentin Dander, Open Government Data from a Media Pedagogical Perspective
Theo Hug, Education for All Revisited: On Concepts of Sharing in the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement
Petra Missomelius, Sharing as Educational Knowledge Management
Moderator: Theo Hug
E51-151 |
Cristobal Garcia, What Can Twitter Teach us about Social Protests? Analyzing the Chilean Student Movement's Network Evolution through Social Media Use
Al Larsen, Blood, Ketchup and Pussy Riot: The Performance of Social Protest
Hunju Lee, Twitter-based Political Movement in South Korea: Roles of Celebrity, Labor Division in Attention Economy and Performance
Thomas Poell, The Personalization of Activism
Moderator: Fabio Giglietto |
E51-325 |
Pirates and Trackers and Hackers
Blake Durham, Free Culture and the Dynamics of Permissibility in Private Music BitTorrent Trackers
Jinying Li, Who Killed out eDonkey? Piracy and the Public Sphere in Information-Age China
Molly Sauter, Kevin Mitnick, the New York Times, and the Media's Conception of the Hacker
Moderator: Thorsten Busch |
Saturday, May 4 continued |
Labor and Technologies of Surveillance
Kelly Gates, Professionalizing Police Media Work: Surveillance Video & the Forensic Sensibility
Daniel McGee, Electronic Medical Records Systems, Integrated Charting, and the Vertical Integration of Medical Labor and Billing in the US
Gilbert Rodman, "...Of Surveillance of the University of Surveillance of the..."
Lana Swartz, Transactional Data and its Discontents
Moderator: Gretchen Soderlund |
E51-361 |
Sex, Privacy and Youth Culture
Feona Attwood, Public, Private, Old, Young: Media Panics about Sexualization and Sexting
David Rosen, Sexting and the Pornographic Imagination
Courtney Weida, Carlee Bradbury, Comparing Pre-Adolescent Female Visual Culture Artifacts with Historic Hoards
Moderator: Edward Schiappa |
E51-372 |
Global TV
Ivan Abarca, The Telenovela El Candidato During the 2000 Mexican Presidential Election
Kapil Bhattacharyya, An Approach to Development in the Indian Context
Yair Galily, Ilan Tamir, Israel's Days of Remembrance and the Sport Viewing Experience
Moderator: Mahalakshmi Mahadevan |
E51-376 |
Mapping, Tracking, Tracing
Heidi Rae Cooley, Beyond Coordinates: How Tags, Tweets, and "Sharing" Ensure Findability
Alex Gekker, Casual Transmissions: Taking Mapping Practices Personal
Sybille Lammes, Playful Cartography: Putting Ourselves on the Map
Nanna Verhoeff, Layers: A Cartography of Time
Moderator: Nanna Verhoeff |
E51-390 |
Sean Galvin, Electronic Portfolios: Public or Private Documents?
Matthias Tarasiewicz, Revisiting Infrastructures of Cultural Production
Sergio Tavares, What Is an Author on Social Media?
Whitney Anne Trettien, The Stigma of Print Revisited: On Early Modern Remix Culture
Moderator: Sean Galvin |
3:15-3:30 |
Break |
Sat., May 4 |
Session 5 |
E51-145 |
Private Media: Tuning In, Tuning Out
Natalia Cecire, Experimental Writing as Private Media
Tressie McMillan Cottom, When Page Views Rule Everything Around Me: The Tension Between Public Tools, Private Media, And Who Pays The Price
Stefan Helmreich, Seashell Sound
Yohei Igarashi, The Supreme Court on Mediated Communication and the Fourth Amendment
Moderator: Noel Jackson |
E51-149 |
The Work of Algorithms
Göran Bolin, Big Data and the Ontology of Media Use – Theorizing the Digital Self in Database Economies
Stephan Humer, Thomas Petzold, Go and Stop them, but Don't Tell Anyone that an Algorithm Said To: Monitoring Public Life in Germany
Philip Napoli, The Algorithm as Institution
Nick Seaver, Knowing Algorithms
Moderator: Lori Landay |
Saturday, May 4 continued |
E51-151 |
Manipulating Public Image
Brandeise Monk-Payton, Flashing Lights: Paparazzi Photography and Celebrity Overexposure
Digdem Sezen, Tonguc Sezen, No Cameras Allowed in the Harem: How Politics Shape the Boundaries of the Representation of the Private Lives of Historical Figures
Mark Willis, FDR and the Hidden Work of Disability
Moderator: |
E51-325 |
Public and Private Food and Flavor and the Analogized Experience
Eric Hinsdale, Does an Archive of Flavors Make Sense?
Chris Loss, The Emerging Role of Flavor as a Medium for Education and Research
Francisco Migoya, Teaching Students Flavor Perception
Moderator: Andi Sciacca |
Representing War
Meryl Alper, War on Instagram: Framing Conflict Photojournalism with Mobile Photography Apps
Kelley Kreitz, From Scroll to Screen in the News: The Public and Private Imaginaries of the Spanish-Cuban-American War
Heather Soyka, Can Examination of the Space at the Intersection of Personal Experiences and Professional Activities Reveal New Directions for Examining War Narratives?
Moderator: Eileen Culloty |
E51-345 |
Public / Private in Transition: SNSs in National Contexts
Giovanni Boccia Artieri, Manolo Farci, Fabio Gilietto, Luca Rossi, Friendship and Intimacy in Italian Facebook Users
Jean Burgess, Axel Bruns, From Networks of Affiliation to Ad Hoc Publics: Mapping the Australian Twittersphere
Yenn Lee, Tweets in the Limelight: Contested Publicness around the Use of Twitter in South Korea
Raquel Recuero, Like, Share, Comment: Facework and Facebook in Brazil
Andra Siibak, Egle Oolo, Being Aware of One's Imagined Audience: Privacy Strategies of Estonian Teens
Moderator: Giovanni Boccia Artieri |
(Capital) City Media
Dolly Espinola, Design and Control of Public Spaces in Mexico City
Mitchell Sutika-Sipus, Using Mobile Technology to Decipher Urban Imagery and Protests in Kabul
Moderator: Andrea Walsh |
E51-376 |
Giuliana Cucinelli, AddressKnown: Geolocation-Based Stories, Place and Public Memories
Andres Lombana-Bermudez, Networked Publics and Geolocative Media: Exploring the Sociocultural Meaning of GPS Traces
Andre Pase, Eduardo Pellanda, Magda Rodriguez da Cunha, Locast Platform: A System to Understand Geolocalized Information
Moderator: Natali Helberger |
E51-390 |
Videogames and Play Spaces
Thomas Plattner, I Know What you Played Last Summer: On Forms of Tracking and Mapping of Private Experiences of Video Gamers
Jeff Rush, Public Telling: Narrative Gap in Replay Video Games
Sam Tobin, Playing at Work: Firewalls, Cubicles and Crafting Tables
Moderator: Sergio Tavares |
5-5:30 |
Break |
Forum 3: Counterpublics
Cristobal Garcia, P. Universidad Catolica (Chile)
Eric Gordon, Emerson College
Henry Jenkins, USC
Maria San Filippo, Harvard University
Moderator: Noel Jackson, MIT
video | podcast | audiostream | summary
Ting Foyer |
Reception |
May 5 [Friday,
May 3] [Saturday,
May 4] |
Ting Foyer
Coffee, Rolls, Fruit |
All call session rooms are in building E51. |
9-10:30 |
Session 6 |
E51-145 |
Art and Aesthetics
Paul Benzon, Redaction Aesthetics
Alejandro Schianchi, Transcending Space through Mobile, Augmented Reality as a Field for Artistic Creation
Moderator: Natalia Cecire |
E51-149 |
Law, Payments and Privacy
Thorsten Busch, Social Network Sites, Virtual States and Corporate Responsibility
Dipayan Ghosh et al., How Video Advertising Affects Consumer Willingness to Pay for Privacy in Smart Metering
Erhardt Graeff, Online Privacy Protection and the Political Economy of our Near Future
Greg Peverill-Conti |
Sunday, May 5 continued |
E51-151 |
Private Lives, Public Images and Affective Legibility
Lindsey Andrews, Documentary Photography, Semiotic Objectification, and the Limits of Critical Reading
Fiona Barnett, Private Bodies / Public Evidence
Erica Fretwell, Sonographic Youth: Fetal Ultrasounds, Photo Albums, and National Affiliation
Moderator: Timothy Wientzen
E51-325 |
Surveillance and Anxiety in Cinema
Bridget M. Blodgett and Anastasia Salter, Being Effie: The Hunger Games and War as a Form of Entertainment Media Consumption
Dawn Fulton, Street Scenes: Surveillance, Immigration, and the Algerian War in Paris
Ananya Ghoshal, A Study of Satyajit Ray's Charulata / The Lonely Wife (1964) and Ghare Baire / The Home and The World
Jeffrey Gutierrez, Frederick Wiseman's Institutions
E51-335 |
Internet History and Governance
Francesca Musiani, A Decentralized Domain Name System? User-Controlled Infrastructure as Alternative Internet Governance
Steven Malcic, ICANN, 1998-2009: The Emergence of the Global Identity Industry
Kevin Driscoll, Public Culture, Private Infrastructure: Alternative Histories of the Internet
Mirko Tobias Schaefer, How Governmentality Shapes the Private / Public Spheres Online
Moderator: Thomas Poell |
E51-372 |
Publics, Privacy and the Iron Curtain
Staffan Ericson, The Allegory of the Bunker (History as Television)
Dibyadyuti Roy, Nuclear Counterpublics and Deabstracting the “Secret” Bomb through Nucliteracy
Moderator: |
E51-376 |
Media Spheres
Nathanael Bassett, Identity and Politics in Virtual Space
Luis Bohorquez, Frances Brazier, Caroline Nevejean, Sense of Participation
Carlotta Cossutta, Arianna Mainardi, Surveillance, Identity and Public Spaces
Tom Pettitt, Gutenberg, Homo Clausus and the Networked Self
Moderator: Mats Bjorkin |
Break |
Sun., May 5 |
Session 7 |
Reputation and Identity Online
Keidra Chaney, Raizel Liebler, The Interaction Between Public and Private Persona and its implications for the interaction between Employees and Social Media Policies
Peter Clarke, Managing Online Identity
Wayne Erik Rysavy, Digitally Disembodied: Social Surveillance and the Rise of Crowdsourced Morality
Peter Walsh, Media and the Construction of Public Life
Moderator: Raizel Liebler |
E51-149 |
Virtual Users / Virtually Used: Paradox, Platform and Interface
Kathi Inman Berens, A Hack of One's Own: UX & Virtual Classroom Software
Laura McGrane,
The User Paradox
Jen Rachjel, Interface as Amanuensis
Moderator: Meryl Alper |
E51-151 |
Serious Play
Eric Gordon, Jesse Baldwin-Philippi, Designing a Game around a Mobile 311 Reporting Tool in Boston to Cultivate Civic Learning
Jason Lipshin, Casual Playbor: How Farmville Converges Production, Consumption and Play
Jon Saklofske, Sonja Sapach, Gaming the Scholarly Edition: Opening the Private Arena of Academic Scholarly Editing to Public Apprenticeship via Digital Game Paradigms
Maryam Yoon, edX Case Studies
Moderator: |
E51-325 |
Shared Knowledge Creation: Talking Back to Online Content
Paolo Ciccarese, Kurt Fendt, Sands Fish, Jamie Folsom, Dan Whaley
Moderator: Kurt Fendt |
Sunday, May 5 continued |
The New You Review
Elettra Bietti, Quality as a Community Norm: On YouTube And Beyond
Anne Ciecko, Snark Sites and Blog Bites: Public / Private Consumption, Gendered Authorship and Metadiscursive Play
Eileen Culloty, User-Review of History Films: Private Criticism in the Public Sphere
Amy Johnson, Imagined Connections: Mock Amazon Reviews and the Public Sphere
Natali Helberger
E51-372 |
Mobile Media and Privacy
Harshavardhan Bhat, Paradoxes of Private Information and Change: Possibilities of the Mobile in India and Nepal
Yi-Fan Chen, Private Consumption in Mobile Spaces
Ana Rita Morais, Exploring the Circuit-of-Mobile-Device-Use Model
Ginette Verstraete, Location-Awareness and the Rise of the iPhone
Moderator: Harshavardhan Bhat |
12:15-12:30 |
Break |
4: Summing Up, Looking Ahead
Roderick Coover, Temple University
Theo Hug, University of Innsbruck
Molly Sauter, MIT
Dan Whaley, hypothes.is
Moderator: James Paradis, MIT
video | podcast | audiostream