The conference directors evaluate each submission.
Noel Jackson is associate professor of literature at MIT. The author of Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry, he has published essays in journals including ELH, MLQ, and Studies in Romanticism. |
Nick Montfort, associate professor of digital media at MIT and president of the Electronic Literature Organization, has collaborated on the blog Grand Text Auto, the sticker novel Implementation, and 2002: A Palindrome Story. His books include Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction (MIT Press, 2003), Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System, (with Ian Bogost, MIT Press, 2009) and Riddle & Bind (Spineless Books, 2010). |
James Paradis is the Robert M. Metcalfe Professor of Writing and Humanistic Studies and director of the Comparative Media Studies Program at MIT. His books include T.H. Huxley: Man’s Place in Nature, Victorian Science and Victorian Values (with T. Postlewait), Evolution and Ethics (with G. Williams) and Samuel Butler: Victorian against the Grain: A Critical Overview. |
Schiappa is visiting professor of rhetoric and media studies in CMS. Visiting from the University of Minnesota, he explores the scope and function of rhetorical studies, including the relationship between rhetorical theory and critical media studies and has published 10 books. Beginning in July, Schiappa will be at MIT permanently. |
David Thorburn is professor of literature and director of the MIT Communications Forum. His recent books include the co-edited anthologies Democracy and New Media and Rethinking Media Change. His DVD lectures on “Masterworks of Early 20th-Century Fiction,” is available in The Great Courses series. Other writings include Conrad's Romanticism and many essays and reviews on literature and media. Prof. Thorburn is also a poet, whose work has appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Threepenny Review, Slate and other magazines. |