Killian Dome, Donna Coveney/MITGreen Building, Donna Coveney/MITAshdown House, Barun SinghPillars at 77, Barun SinghStudent Advisory Board to MIT President Susan HockfieldKillian students, Donna Coveney/MITLobby 7, Donna Coveney/MITStata Center, Andy RyanKresge Auditorium, Barun SinghKillian skiers, Donna Coveney/MITZ-center, Barun SinghBuilding 39, Barun SinghEast Campus, Barun Singh

During her transition into the role of MIT's 16th President, Dr. Susan Hockfield actively sought to engage the MIT student body through a Student Advisory Board (SAB). This Board, was led by co-chairs Barun Singh, Graduate Student Council President 2004-05, and Harel Williams, Undergraduate Association President 2004-05.

The SAB was charged with three essential tasks:

  1. To provide MIT’s 16th President, Dr. Susan Hockfield, with a perspective on MIT culture and community, challenges and opportunities facing MIT, and qualities and priorities of MIT students.
  2. To develop a vision for the future of the MIT student experience
  3. To act as a vehicle for students to voice their opinions.

The SAB's Final Report (available on this site in its entirety) represents a snapshot of the many facets of MIT experience, and what we might work towards for the future, from the student perspective. The Board sincerely hopes its work will prove valuable to the Institute as it plans for the future.

Webpage created and maintained by Barun Singh: barun[at]