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About the Course

15.012 Applied Macro and International Economics
(Sections c and d)

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Subject uses case studies to investigate the macro-environment in which firms operate. The first section develops the basic tools of macroeconomic management: monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate policy. The second section evaluates different strategies of economic development, with topics ranging from trade and industrial policy to reliance on natural resources and international institutions. The third section discusses four crises in emerging markets in the 1990's and examines the causes of these crises as well as how best to address them and prevent them from reoccurring in the future. The final section evaluates several major challenges facing developed countries in the 1990's, such as integration, global recession, and unemployement.


Professor Lester Thurow
Office: E52-445
Tel: 617-

Course Assistant

Doris Hagen
Office: E52-440
Tel: 617-253-7190

Teaching Assistants

Anish Goel:
Remko Vos:

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