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* KnowledgePlex (Fannie Mae Foundation). Keywords: economic development, enterprises, employment and training, business, asset building

* Center for Community Change. Keywords: economic development, sectoral development, employment and training

* Initiative for a Competitive Inner City. Keywords: economic development, business, clusters, supply chains, business advisory, untapped markets, retail

* National Community Capital Association (Includes resource lists). Keywords: community development finance, equity, debt

* Corporation for Enterprise Development. Keywords: economic development, asset building

* Association for Enterprise Opportunity. Keywords: economic development, start-ups, micro-enterprise, business

* Rural Community Development Resources Collection. Keywords: economic development, sectoral development, rural development, employment and training

Enterprise Development. Keywords: economic development, sectoral development, business

Gateway to Community Economic Development. Keywords: economic development, employment and training

Interactive Economic Development Network. Keywords: economic development, sectoral development, employment and training, technical assistance

Local Economic Development (knowledge center, The World Bank). Keywords: history of local economic development, policy and programs, job creation, asset development, public and private roles, how to develop a local economic development strategy.