Charles Stewart's Congressional Data Page


The purpose of this page is to begin accumulating hyperlinks in one place to various sites around the country that house data relevant to studies of Congress, legislatures in general, and all the rest. My preference is to link to (more or less) ready-to-use data sites. Of course, no warranties are made, implied or explicit, about this data. Your mileage may vary.

The data to which this page points have been collected through the work of many, many dedicated people working many, many hours. Their being made available here is one provision of a public good. Please let the original data collectors know you're using their work. Also, please cite the data as the authors wish to be cited.

Jump to studies:  
Congressional Committees, 80th--102nd Congresses Garrison Nelson
Congressional Committees, Historical Standing Committees David Canon, Garrison Nelson, Charles Stewart III
Congressional Committees, Modern Standing Committees, 103rd--114th Congresses Charles Stewart III and Jonathan Woon
Congressional Roll Call Votes Charles Stewart III
Candidate Quality and U.S. Senate Election Data David Lublin
Congressional District Demographic and Political Data David Lublin
Candidate Positioning Data Stephen Ansolabehere, James M. Snyder, and CharlesStewart III
Federal Elections Project David Lublin
House and Senate Party Voting Scores Joseph Cooper and Garry Young

Congressional Committees, Historical Standing Committees

Collectors: Garrison Nelson (Vermont)

Contact: Charles Stewart III (MIT)

Preferred citation style: Garrison Nelson, Committees in the U.S. Congress, 1947-1992, [Chamber/Congresses], [date of data file].

Description: Records membership on all congressional committees from the 80th to 102nd Congresses. Data file that corresponds with the hard copy version of Nelson's two-volume set Committees in the U.S. Congress, 1947-1992, CQ Press. Corrections of the data set to Charles Stewart at MIT.

Important note: The data file is made available "as is."

Download the codebook, House Committees 80th-97th Congress, House Committees 98th-102nd Congress, Senate Committees 80th-102nd Congress.


Congressional Committees, Historical Standing Committees

Collectors: David Canon (Wisconsin), Garrison Nelson (Vermont), Charles Stewart III (MIT)

Contact: Stewart

Preferred citation style: David Canon, Garrison Nelson, and Charles Stewart. Historical Congressional Standing Committees, 1st to 79th Congresses, 1789-1947: [Chamber/Congresses], [date of data file].

Description: Records membership on all congressional standing committees up to the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. Data set still in progress. Please direct corrections of the data set to Charles Stewart at MIT




















Congressional Committees, Modern Standing Committees, 103rd--109th Congresses (updated to July 12, 2005)

Collectors:  Charles Stewart III and Jonathan Woon (MIT)

Contact:   Stewart

Preferred citation style:  Charles Stewart III and Jonathan Woon.  Congressional Committee Assignments, 103rd to 105th Congresses, 1993--1998:  [Chamber], [date of data file].

Description:  Records membership on all congressional committees for the periods covered in the study.  Data set is updated periodically from the Congressional Record.  Please report errors to  Charles Stewart.

Codebook/Data description

House Committee Assignment Data

House Membership Data (Excel file)

Senate Committee Assignment Data

Senate Membership Data


Congressional Roll Call Votes

Data taken directly from the web sites of the House and Senate and massaged into usable form. Data are organized by session.

House Roll Call Data

101st Cong.

102nd Cong.

103rd Cong.

104th Cong.

105th Cong.

106th Cong.

Roll call data

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

Code book

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

Summary file

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

Misc. notes

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.


Senate Roll Call Data

101st Cong.

102nd Cong.

103rd Cong.

104th Cong.

105th Cong.

106th Cong.

Roll call data

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

Code book

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

Summary file

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

Misc. notes

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

1st sess.

2nd sess.

Candidate Quality and U.S. Senate Election Data

Collector: David Lublin (American University)

Contact: David Lublin

Preferred citation style: David Lublin. 1994. "Candidate Quality and U.S. Senate Election Data," American University, Washington, D.C.

Description: This data set contains all the data necessary to replicate the results from hisarticle, "Quality, Not Quantity: Strategic Politicians in U.S. Senate Elections, 1952-1990," Journal of Politics, Vol. 56, No. 1 (February 1994).

Download the data


Congressional District Demographic and Political Data

Collector: David Lublin (American University)

Contact: David Lublin

Preferred citation style: David Lublin. 1997. "Congressional District Demographic and Political Data," American University, Washington, D.C.

Description: This data set contains all the data necessary to replicate the results from his book, The Paradox of Representation: Racial Gerrymandering and Minority Interests in Congress (Princeton University Press 1997). One could also replicate the results from "The Election of African Americans and Latinos to the U.S. House of Representatives, 1972-1994" American Politics Quarterly (July 1997). More generally, this data set contains demographic and political data for congressional districts utilized from 1962 through 1994. Thanks to Keith Poole and Gary King for providing some of the data contained within this data set.

Download the data


Candidate positioning data

Collector: Stephen Ansolabehere, James M. Snyder, and Charles Stewart III

Contact: James Snyder

Preferred citation style: Acknowledge James Snyder.

Description: This data set contains estimated left-right candidate coordinates necessary to replicate the analysis in Ansolabehere, Snyder, and Stewart, "Candidate Positioning in U.S. House Elections," American Journal of Political Science 45(1): 136-159. See the article for details. The data fields are state (postal code), district, name, party (1=dem, 2=rep), location, imputed location.

Download the STATA data set or a raw text file


Federal Elections Project

Collector: David Lublin (American University)

Contact: David Lublin

Preferred citation style: David Lublin. 2001. "Federal Elections Project ," American University, Washington, D.C.

Description: The central goal of the Federal Elections Project is to mesh the 2000 U.S. federal election results at the precinct level with the demographic data from the 2000 U.S. Census. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and in partnership with the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies , David Lublin of American University and D. Stephen Voss of the University of Kentucky will gather data for all federal elections, specifically for president and vice president, senator, and representative. Although the focus is on federal offices, the data set will also include results from the eleven states holding gubernatorial elections in 2000.

Visit the web site.


House and Senate Party Voting Scores

Collector: Garry Young

Contact: Joseph Cooper

Preferred citation style: Cite the Cooper web page.

Description: Aggregate congressional roll call scores, 1862-2001.

Visit Joseph Cooper's data page to retrieve the data