Assigned Wednesday, March 14
Due Friday, March 16, by 3:30 p.m.
This is a team assignment
Identify 5 to 10 questions that you believe have a significant bearing on your project, the so called hard questions you need to answer soon.
You are looking for questions that get at the essence of your concept. What are the core issues? You are also looking for questions that challenge assumptions and test your knowledge of the situation. Although questions are easy to come up with, that does not make this an easy task. You may be tempted to choose the first several questions that come to your mind, but hold out for ones that you think will make a difference in what you do with your project. Your questions will naturally lead to discussions with members of the demining community, indicate experiments that need to be run or identify issues for design consideration.
It is often said that there is no such thing as a bad question. However, questions take time and resources to answer. And, identifying key questions can easily be the difference between poor and amazing designs. You are not trying to shoot down your project. Just be honest about what you need to know to proceed. So, avoid over critique about what you are doing and be hopeful. If you do not start out hopeful it is very hard to get anywhere.
Decide which of the questions are the highest priority and write a two to three sentence plan for finding out the answers.
Submit your list of hard questions by email to with the title "A11 Hard questions." Include the plans for answering the high priority ones. Bring a copy to class so that we can discuss your questions and plans in class.