MIT Faculty Newsletter  
Vol. XXIV No. 1
September / October 2011
Political Climate Change Threatens
Scientific Endeavors
Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle:
MIT Faculty and Nuclear Disarmament
Rise of the Rest, Fall of the Best?
Innovations in Communication Instruction at MIT: Celebrating Ten Years of the Communication Requirement (CR)
HASS Exploration Program:
Entering Phase Two
Faculty Fallout
A Letter to President Hockfield
MIT Ranked 3rd in the World, 5th in the U.S.?
Teaching this fall? You should know . . .
MISTI Expands Faculty Seed Funds and Launches New MIT-Chile Program
College Admissions 101
Request for Preliminary Proposals for
Innovative Curricular Projects
Nominate a Colleague for the
MacVicar Faculty Fellows Program
Commenting on “Departmental Discussions of Diversity and Inclusion”
U.S. News & World Report: Best College Rankings for Nartional Universities, 2003-2012
Printable Version

Nominate a Colleague for the
MacVicar Faculty Fellows Program


The MacVicar Faculty Fellows Program recognizes MIT faculty who have made exemplary and sustained contributions to the teaching and education of undergraduates at the Institute. Together the Fellows form a small academy of scholars committed to exceptional instruction and innovation in education.

MacVicar Faculty Fellows are selected through a competitive nomination process, appointed for 10-year terms, and receive $10,000 per year of discretionary funds for educational activities, research, travel, and other scholarly expenses.

For more information and the nomination process, visit or contact the Office of Faculty Support at x3-6776 or

Nominations are due on Monday, November 14.

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