MIT Faculty Newsletter  
contents Vol. XXXI No. 1
September / October 2018

This issue of the Faculty Newsletter features commentary on the issue of teaching. The Editorial, Susan Silbey's From The Faculty Chair piece, "On Critical Thinking and Nerd Epistemolgy," by Woodie Flowers, and Chancellor Waitz on "A Collaboration in Learning," all address the issue.

MIT Dome at Night: Photo Eric Baetscher
Editorial: Education for Credit/Educatiion for Progress
The need to alter how/what is taught to better reflect the tenur of the times.
Across the Retirement Line:
The Transition to Retirement

The latest in our continuing series on advice for those faculty considering retiring.
Introducing the MIT
Academic Climate Survey

The Office of Institutional Research explains the importance of the upcoming Academic Climate Survey.
Education for Credit/Education for Progress
Many of our colleagues have labored over the updating and refinement of their course syllabi, over the development of new majors and new fusions of existing majors, . . .
MIT's Relationship to China
Richard Lester
I write on a subject of growing importance and complexity: MIT’s relationship to China. In hopes of spurring dialogue, in this piece I outline how we are approaching this . . .
From the Faculty Chair
How Not to Teach Ethics
Susan S. Silbey
I write this month about stories and ethics, more specifically about the stories we tell about ethics. There is increasing talk lately, coming from unexpected and unaligned . . .
On Critical Thinking and Nerd Epistemology
Woodie Flowers
We adults have created messes. We need to help students learn to think critically about fixing our messes. Evolution has left us with brains capable of believing six . . .
A Collaboration in Learning
Ian A. Waitz
On August 2, the Committee on the Undergraduate Program (CUP) approved an experimental grading policy for the incoming class (2022), namely:
MIT Open Access Task Force Shares White Paper on OA Landscape
Hal Abelson, Chris Bourg
In July 2017, Provost Martin Schmidt, in consultation with the Vice President for Research, the Chair of the Faculty, and the Director of Libraries, appointed an . . .
Across the Retirement Line
The Transition to Retirement
Dr. Emeritus Beaver
A colleague once told me he felt strongly that MIT faculty should retire fully from the Institute at age 70 (there are other options, to be explored in a subsequent column) . . .
Climate and Accountability
Edmund Bertschinger
MIT has done a lot to improve the experience of women and others underrepresented in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) yet inequities of experience . . .
Stephen Hawking: The Eminent Physicist vs. The Media Myth
Eduardo Kausel
The recent passing of the notable British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking and the miscellaneous obituaries on his persona in magazines and newspapers motivate . . .
Introducing the MIT Academic Climate Survey
Lydia Snover, Jonathan Schwarz
This fall, the Institutional Research (IR) group in the Provost’s Office will invite all faculty, staff, and students in academic departments and research units to . . .
Study Abroad IAP Opportunities Continue to Grow
Julia Mongo
MIT’s Global Education Office, in collaboration with campus faculty, academic departments, and office partners, continues to expand program offerings for . . .
Nominate a Colleague as a MacVicar Fellow
Provost Martin Schmidt is calling for nominations of faculty as 2019 MacVicar Faculty Fellows. The MacVicar Faculty Fellows Program recognizes MIT faculty . . .
Request for Proposals for Innovative Curricular Projects
The Vice Chancellor is currently soliciting proposals for the d’Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in Education for MIT faculty-led projects that strengthen undergraduate . . .
M.I.T. Numbers
from the 2018 MIT Survey of New Students